Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, February 19 2025 @ 03:49 pm EST


File Listing: 90 files
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Date: 2009-11-22 12:06
Size: 4.81 MB
Version: 1.6.1
MD5: af873bc17a071b370f4a5e2ac1ff5112
Submitter: Dirk
Rating: 1.00(1)
Popularity: 5820   POP
Geeklog 1.6.1 is a recommended upgrade for all users of 1.6.0, addressing several bugs while also adding some new features.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs and upgrades from all pre-1.6.1 releases.
md5 checksum: af873bc17a071b370f4a5e2ac1ff5112
Tags: -
Date: 2010-07-01 15:44
Size: 4.94 MB
Version: 1.7.0
MD5: c73865f5acde0bf3160f70f8a82bb42b
Submitter: Dirk
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 5427   POP
Geeklog 1.7.0 now supports PostgreSQL (in addition to MySQL and MS SQL), provides re-authentication when the CSRF token expires, and includes various other improvements.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs and upgrades from all pre-1.7.0 releases.
md5 checksum: c73865f5acde0bf3160f70f8a82bb42b

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Date: 2006-05-28 11:17
Size: 3.24 MB
Version: 1.4.0sr3
MD5: b1e751c3304c61afad2736e4804182b6
Submitter: Dirk
Rating: 9.00(1)
Popularity: 5129   POP
Geeklog 1.4.0sr3 is a security update over 1.4.0sr2.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs and upgrades from all pre-1.4.0 releases.
md5 checksum: b1e751c3304c61afad2736e4804182b6
Tags: -
Date: 2006-02-05 09:27
Size: 2.80 MB
Version: 1.4.0
MD5: 4d6f19c6e1eaa563c32598ee47df6f04
Submitter: Dirk
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 4576   POP
Geeklog 1.4.0 works with register_globals = off, includes a WYSIWYG editor, supports remote authentication, trackbacks, pingbacks, and pings, and much more.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs and updates from Geeklog 1.3.11 and earlier versions.
md5 checksum: 4d6f19c6e1eaa563c32598ee47df6f04
Tags: -
Date: 2005-12-18 10:31
Size: 1.46 MB
Version: 1.3.11sr3
MD5: 0bf7b95d3eefa41da9116995440bf7cb
Submitter: Dirk
Rating: 10.00(1)
Popularity: 4202   POP
Geeklog 1.3.11sr3 is a security and bugfix update over 1.3.11sr2.
This is a complete tarball, to be used for fresh installs and upgrades from pre-1.3.11sr2 installations.
md5 checksum: 0bf7b95d3eefa41da9116995440bf7cb

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