Ban Plugin v2.0.1
- Thursday, March 30 2017 @ 11:57 am EDT
- Contributed by: Laugh
- Views: 4,441
The Ban Plugin v2.0.1 is now available for download .
The Ban plugin allows you to ban people and bots from your website. You can ban a bot/visitor by IP, Referer, User Agent or Script Name. Exact match and case insensitive regular expressions can be used to give you great flexibility.
The Minimum Geeklog version required is v2.1.1. The ban plugin should also be the first plugin in the Geeklog Administrator Plugin List. If the visitor is banned this saves on having to load the other plugins.
New Features
- Exact Match Bans, IP Range Bans and RegEx Bans have been separated into different ban types to greatly speed up the Ban check process. IMPORTANT - If you are upgrading please confirm your existing bans in your database are the correct Ban Type.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes for PHP 7
- Updated the Stop Forum Spam URLs in the config file
- Fix to prevent users from adding the same ban twice in the Ban Editor. This is based on the Ban Type and Data fields (not the Status field)
- Fix to prevent Auto Ban from adding the same IP twice
For a full list of features and information on this plugin pleae see the readme.html file found in the admin folder included with this release.
If you find any bugs or wish to request a feature, please add them to the Ban issues tracker.