Geeklog 2.0.0 Testing
- Thursday, July 19 2012 @ 11:52 am EDT
- Contributed by: Laugh
- Views: 4,593

With Geeklog 2.0.0 there was a lot of modifications of existing code to allow for new features like child topics, and allowing articles to belong to more than one topic (for the full feature list see this post). With this in mind I created a feature testing list for Geeklog 2.0.0. This list doesn't cover all the features of Geeklog that needs testing but it does list most of them.
If you are interested in helping us test out the new version of Geeklog then please read the list below of some of the things that need testing. If you find any bugs please add them to our Bug Tracker along with the steps to reproduce the problem.
Geeklog 2.0.0 Feature Testing List
- Geeklog Fresh Install
- Geeklog Upgrade (Migration of Blocks, Topics and Stories)
- Emergency Rescue Tool
- Everything below needs testing in one Language and multiple Language sites.
- Also needs to be tested in MYSQL, MSSQL, and PGSQL
- Watch Permissions. To edit, a user needs edit access to the story as well as ALL TOPICS the story belongs too.
Geeklog Core
- Directory
- View All and selected topics
- Topics
- How all parts of Geeklog works with no topics
- Permissions
- Config Options
- Edit, View, Delete
- Hidden Topics
- Inherited Topics
- Archive Topic
- Excluded Topics (by User)
- Email Topics
- Blocks
- Permissions
- Edit, View, Delete
- Inherited Blocks
- Stories
- Permissions
- Edit, View, Delete
- Inherited Stories
- Featured Stories in Topic and on Homepage
- Archive Stories
- Whats New Block (stories, trackbacks)
- Older Stuff Block
- Trackbacks
- Admin Lists
- Email Story
- Story Submissons
- Submit, Edit, View, Approve, Delete
- Submission list (For Draft Stories as well)
- Comments
- Post, View and Edit Story Comments
- Whats New Block
- Feeds
- Article Content Syndication
- Users
- Excluded Topics
- User Password Change
- Daily Digest
- Search
- Topics
- Sessions
- Who's Online is tracked properly (anonymous users are now tracked)
- Last topic is tracked (data stored in session table)
Staticpage Plugin
- Search
- Staticpage by topic
- Menu
- Staticpage menu item only comes up in topics it is assigned to
- Staticpage displays the same blocks as the topic it is in. If last topic not known then use default
- If staticpage is a centerblock it can appear in all topics it is assigned too
- Only one entire page centerblock is allowed per topic (each language can have one)
Links Plugin
- Feeds by Topic
- Block called phpblock_topic_links which displays links when $topic is set