Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:43 am EDT

How to auth to geeklog via SSL ?

  • Tuesday, December 10 2002 @ 02:24 am EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 6,304
Security I\'m building my web based on the geeklog engine [1.3.6].
But I am not happy to log to the system via unencrypted channel. When I load the main page via HTTPS and then log-in to the system, auth request is still unencrypted. There is possible to set in the config.php \"$_CONF[\'site_url\']\" to \"https://name.of.site.com\" but then all pages will be served by HTTPS which is stupid. I\'m not familiar with PHP, therefore I can\'t write my own patch.

Any ideas ?

