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links are faulty at my geeklog site. Help needed!

billy oskay< billyo@bigredstudio.com>

I have a geeklog site that my physicist son put together for me. He is not available to help, so maybe one of you can help me solve this:

I must have changed something when I uploaded some pics to my public html folder and now the search engine links are faulty.

Example #1, if you go to http://www.bigredstudio.com/index.php?topic=news&page=3, there is a story entitled: Belinda Underwood Session.
Now type in: Belinda in the search field at the upper left and hit search.
The search works fine.
Now click on the link #1 "Belinda Underwood Session" under stories. This should take you back to http://www.bigredstudio.com/index.php?topic=news&page=3,
but instead it takes you to
which only contains the title of the story.

Example #2. Go to: http://www.bigredstudio.com/staticpages/index.php/equipment
under Console, there is a link: History of TSM Console
This link should take you to the story entitled "Big Red's TSM Console: A History" the fourth story down at: http://www.bigredstudio.com/index.php?topic=news&page=3
but instead it takes you to
which only contains the title of the story.
Help would be so appreciated!


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Location:la rochelle, France
Hi Billy,

This seems to be a story render issue and not a search one.
So check if everything is okay in your theme folder. You can try to re-upload the article folder from a fresh professional theme.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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As Ben already said, this is intended behavior. Well, minus the bit where it doesn't display the article.

The index.php?topic=news pages are only lists of your stories for the "news" topic. They will change when you post more stories. For example, your Belinda Underwood Session article will move on to page 4, 5, and so on when you post more stories under that topic.

The permanent link for an article is the article page.

So, again as Ben already pointed out, the real problem is that it does not display your article when you go to the article page. The article template, however, looks fine from here - it just doesn't fill in the content of the article.

Do you happen to know if your son made any modifications to Geeklog's code (not just the theme)?

bye, Dirk

billy oskay< billyo@bigredstudio.com>

Thanks Ben and Dirk.
I don't know if my son messed with code.
Most of my articles I posted under News are not that long and I didn't want viewers to have to hit "read more" in order to see the entire article, so I wrote the entire article in the box: Intro text. This is lost when the link goes there.
Is the article folder you are talking about under: Layout?

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Yes themes files are store under public_html/layout/

So you might find article folder under public_html/layout/professional/

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

billy oskay

Fixed ! Thanks again to Ben and Dirk

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