Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 20 2025 @ 09:39 pm EST

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Include an html or php page within a story page


Just wondering if it is possible to use the <?php include .... statement to include an existing html or php page within a "story" page? Can't seem to make it work. I add it as source code, but it sees it just as text.

I have a new install of Geeklog, v1.7.0 and have html and php functions enabled within the admin. Don't know if this is possible or would the staticpage plugin function work for this, and if it would, I don't know how to use the [staticpage:] function, so it refers to the correct file.


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Registered: 08/05/03
Posts: 969
Location:The Netherlands, where else?
You can't use php in a story. But you can include a static page with the autotag [ staticpage_content: pageid ] (remove the whitespaces).
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


That works, I just tried it, but it doesn't do what I needed it to do for my application. I wanted to include an existing html page from my old site that has a javascript script running in it.

Thanks for your help understanding how to properly use the staticpage plugin. It'll come in handy.



I just tried an iFrame in a story page (source mode) by allowing html code for the root in the "Configuration - Misc" admin section, and it worked perfectly. Just what I needed as the admin. I didn't allow this for normal users, just the admin.

Just thought I'd mention this in the event anyone else is trying to do the same with existing html pages. Makes recreating some aspects of the old site so much easier.


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