
Hi there,

I thought I should ask about my security check results. It comes up as follows:

Results of the Security Check

1. Good! You seem to have removed the install directory already.
2. Connection refused
3. Connection refused
4. Connection refused
5. Connection refused
6. Connection refused
7. Connection refused
8. Good! You seem to have changed the default account password already.

Please fix the above issues before using your site!

Is this ok or should I be changing something to get success for results 2-7?

Thank you in advance.

I like the new slogan by the way.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Those are the checks where it tries to download files like the db-config.php, error.log and a few others (all of which should not be accessible from a URL). The "Connection refused" could either mean that they are not accessible (which would be good) or that it could not perform the test because something blockes the request.

Hmm. Do you have access to your webserver's logfiles? If so, check for any requests with a Geeklog user agent.

bye, Dirk


Thanks for your reply Dirk.

Things are working ok, I just wanted to be sure that the site was secure. I do have access to my webserver's logfiles, but nothing seems to be coming up apart from the usual plugin errors, which I am still working on so I am assuming all is ok.

I will let you know if I do have any problems.

Thanks again.