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Oh dear!

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Hi guys,

Everything was pretty much perfect until about 20 minutes ago!
I have geeklog version 1.6.1
I have just tried to install chatterblock 3.1. 1.4.1 and now I am unable to access the Geeklog part of my site again. I have followed the installation instructions, but the page is blank. If anyone would like to suggest a reason for this then please feel free. I thought it was going so well.




Quote by: Lizard


Hi guys,

Everything was pretty much perfect until about 20 minutes ago!
I have geeklog version 1.6.1
I have just tried to install chatterblock 3.1. 1.4.1 and now I am unable to access the Geeklog part of my site again. I have followed the installation instructions, but the page is blank. If anyone would like to suggest a reason for this then please feel free. I thought it was going so well.


my friend, for me I just login to the host cpanel and change the chatterblock name to 12345, save than check your site again. I think it should be ok.



Hi there. Thank you for your help.

I tried that option and I now have an error message:

2 - require_once(/home/sites/lizard69.com/public_html/weblog/plugins/chatterblock/functions.inc) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/sites/lizard69.com/public_html/weblog/lib-common.php line 7065

Plus a massive page of stuff after this error.

I am guessing I need to change something in my lib-common.php?
Never had this problem come up yet!


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Did you remove the files for the Chatterblock plugin without uninstalling it? Because that's what the error message says (it's missing the plugins/chatterblock/functions.inc file).

You can disable the chatterblock in the gl_plugins table by setting pi_enabled to 0. That should bring your site back up.

bye, Dirk


I have just found out that if I click on the [function.require-once] link I get a 404 not found error.
Error, error, error.




Quote by: Dirk

Did you remove the files for the Chatterblock plugin without uninstalling it? Because that's what the error message says (it's missing the plugins/chatterblock/functions.inc file).

You can disable the chatterblock in the gl_plugins table by setting pi_enabled to 0. That should bring your site back up.

bye, Dirk

I will try that now.


Hi Dirk,

I am assuming that I am looking in the admin directory at the plugins.php file?
I have noticed that there are a few sections that have pi_enabled in this file. I have not changed any settings yet.

Here is what happened from the start:
I uploaded the files to my server and placed them all in the correct directories.
I installed the program successfully via the plugin page. I went to chatterblock settings to look at and change a few settings. When I clicked on save settings the screen went blank and I could not access any part of the site. I tried clicking the back button to disable the chatterblock or uninstall it, but the same thing happened again.

I still have the files installed. I just changed them to 12345 as directed by guest. That's when the error came up.
I have now changed the files back to chatterblock and I am back to where I started, with the blank page. http://lizard69.com/weblog/

This same thing happened the other day with the smooth blue theme which I eventually changed to professional etc.
I am stuck with this one!

Hope this description helps?


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create a new text document name it disable.php
place the following in the file
Text Formatted Code

require_once 'lib-common.php';
DB_query( "UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_enabled = 0 WHERE pi_name = 'chatterblock'" );
echo 'done';

upload to yourGeeklogSite.com/disable.php

visit it once via your web browser then delete it from your server.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com


Quote by: suprsidr

create a new text document name it disable.php
place the following in the file

Text Formatted Code

require_once 'lib-common.php';
DB_query( "UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_enabled = 0 WHERE pi_name = 'chatterblock'" );
echo 'done';

upload to yourGeeklogSite.com/disable.php

visit it once via your web browser then delete it from your server.


I did that and I got these errors. My screen is still blank.

Warning: main(lib-common.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/lizard69.com/public_html/disable.php on line 2

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'lib-common.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear'Wink in /home/sites/lizard69.com/public_html/disable.php on line 2


I also tried this in my weblog directory which is where all of the Geeklog files are and nothing happened.


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upload to yourGeeklogSite.com/disable.php

My god man... upload the file to your geeklog directory
it has to be in the same directory as lib-common.php
the error messages you are receiving pretty much explain the problem.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com


Quote by: suprsidr

upload to yourGeeklogSite.com/disable.php

My god man... upload the file to your geeklog directory
it has to be in the same directory as lib-common.php
the error messages you are receiving pretty much explain the problem.


Ok. I will try again. I am new to this so do not know as much as most people on here.


Just checked that out. That is the file I uploaded it to.
That I am sure of.


Tried changing chmod etc but no luck.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Thanks anyway guys.

Been working on this project for two months now and keep on getting different problems.
This was my last try at the program. All was going really well today. Everything was working until I uploaded the Chatterblock. If I have these problems everytime I upload a new plugin then it is not going to work for my site as I am going to receive complaints every time. Sorry.

Thank you so much for your help and support. With respect to my customers, I am now going to pass them on to another site for a blog and forum.

Keep up the good work.


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ok, I forgot you had a plugin giving you trouble.
so in your weblog directory where lib-common.php and siteconfig.php are located
put this in your disable.php
Text Formatted Code
require_once 'siteconfig.php';
require_once $_CONF['path'].'db-config.php';
require_once $_CONF['path_system'].'lib-database.php';
DB_query( "UPDATE ".$_DB_table_prefix['plugins']." SET pi_enabled = 0 WHERE pi_name = '".$_REQUEST['plugin']."'" );
echo 'done';

and visit

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com



It still did not work. It came up with done, but when I try to access my page it still comes up with a blank page.
Obviously something a bit more serious wrong with it.

Thank you for your help anyway. It really is appreciated.
I think I have reached my limit now. That part of my site was about to be launched. I am kind of glad it happened now and not when I had a thousand members on it.

Thanks again.


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I should have pasted that into my editor to see what it actually looked like.
Text Formatted Code

$enable = (isset($_REQUEST['enable']))?$_REQUEST['enable']:0;
$enableText = ($enable)?'enabling':'disabling';
require_once 'siteconfig.php';
require_once $_CONF['path'].'db-config.php';
require_once $_CONF['path_system'].'lib-database.php';
if(DB_query( "UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_enabled = ".$enable." WHERE pi_name = '".$_REQUEST['plugin']."'" )){
    echo 'Finished '.$enableText.' the '.$_REQUEST['plugin'].' plugin.';
    echo 'Oops something went wrong while '.$enableText.' the '.$_REQUEST['plugin'].' plugin.';

This would be better so you can enable or disable plugins as needed.
and to enable:

I think I'll make an emergency rescue form for those who run into similar issues.

When I first came on the blog scene, I tried all the others. Geeklog was the only one that worked as expected.
I had some programming knowledge but not much php and I must say its been a great learning experience developing for geeklog/gallery2.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com



Don't get me wrong. I really do like Geeklog, but I have been working on this project for some time now and I keep on getting different problems arise. I agree that Geeklog is probably the best programme to use, but I can not have problems every day with a programme. It was really nice to use it for a day and I did get some really good comments. I had everything working just the way I wanted it and I was about to purchase the glMessenger from Blaine this weekend. I should never of tried to install the Chatterblock. That was a mistake, but then I was not to know what was going to happen.
I will have a look at it in the morning. Well, Later on today as it is now 3:15am here. I normally stay up until 6am, but I am getting a bit tired now.
I did try your other code, but I got the same thing again.

I will take a fresh look at it later on today or over the weekend. I don't really want to start all over again. I must have done that about 20 times or more now. That's how much I have wanted it to work over the past couple of weeks!

Thanks again for your help.



Hi guys,

I stuck it out for the rest of the morning and I now have my Geeklog site back up and running.

I needed to go in to my geeklog/system/lib-plugins.php directory and change the following: "WHERE pi_enabled = 1"Wink; I changed to WHERE pi_enabled = 0"Wink;
I could then get in to my admin plugins from the site and delete the chatterblock from the plugins.

As far as I know everything is now back to normal. I think I will leave the plugins alone for a bit. LOL.

Thanks again for your help. I still do not know what caused it, but all is working again now.



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Chatterblock was last updated for geeklog 1.4.1 so its pretty old.
You should check here first before installing plugins from that far back.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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