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Where can I download the latest version of the Calendar plugin for Geeklog 1.6.0?

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Registered: 01/25/10
Posts: 6
Hi guys!

Would like to know if someone can tell me where I can download the latest Calendar plugin for Geeklog 1.6.0 ? This because I have a problem with the Calendar plugin (ver 1.1.0) as logged in, and not logged in users can´t submit events, the page reloads but stays the same when submitting. With the right to moderate or edit it is working fine.

I will appreciate for your advise on where the problem might be or I will try to re-install again the Calendar plugin if someone can tell me where to download it?

Thanks and Regards,


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Registered: 09/27/05
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If you want to reinstall the existing Calendar plugin you have, you could always just uninstall it from the plugin menu and then reinstall to see if it fixes your permissions/submission issue. Doing this though will remove any events you have in the system (you could backup your events table by using phpadmin and then add them back after the install).

The latest Calendar plugin ver 1.1.1 does require Geeklog version 1.6.1 (I believe) so you would have to update your geeklog version to install it.


One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 01/25/10
Posts: 6
Thanks Laugh, although I can see where to download that Calendar version? Is it the Geeklog version 1.6.0 that is interfiering with the Calendar version?

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The bundled plugins are not available for separate download.

In any case, I doubt that it would help you with your problem. I'm not aware of any such problems as you described with the Calendar plugin. It's most likely something with your setup (recent upgrade from an earlier Geeklog version?) and should be looked into.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Dirk

The bundled plugins are not available for separate download.

In any case, I doubt that it would help you with your problem. I'm not aware of any such problems as you described with the Calendar plugin. It's most likely something with your setup (recent upgrade from an earlier Geeklog version?) and should be looked into.

bye, Dirk

Dear Dirk:

Thanks for your response. Nevertheless there wasn´t any upgrade as it is a new site and installation. What do you suggest?

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Registered: 09/27/05
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If this is a new install you should install Geeklog 1.6.1

Is everything else working correctly on the site?
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 01/25/10
Posts: 6
Yes, everything else is working fine... I don´t know what´s happening. Perhaps I will install 1.6.1, Thanks anyway.

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