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Quote by: Lizard

Hi there,

I have a challenging question.

This plugin is an excellent added feature. I installed it and ran it on my site and we are loving it.
I have one question. I am not sure how easy or difficult it would be to do as I am completely new to programming.
I have noticed that if logged in users try to share a story which does not have anonymous access rights then the person they are sharing the story with are not able to view the story. Obviously this is supposed to happen due to security, but my question is:
Would it be possible to remove the socialshare icons at the bottom of the page so that they only show on anonymous access pages?


Open functions.inc and replace the following line near the bottom of the file

Text Formatted Code

    if ($templatename == 'storytext' || $templatename == 'featuredstorytext'|| $templatename == 'archivestorytext') {


Text Formatted Code

    if (($templatename == 'storytext' || $templatename == 'featuredstorytext'|| $templatename == 'archivestorytext') && ($A['perm_anon'] !== '0')) {


Hi Greg,

I just checked out your site. I can not stop laughing at your 6 phases of working pics. I love them. LOL
I can not thank you enough for the code that you have posted here. It works like a dream. Excellent stuff.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


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doesn't working on 1.7.0
what changes is needed?

Status: Banned


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Registered: 11/05/03
Posts: 121
Quote by: Pushkar

doesn't working on 1.7.0
what changes is needed?

I will look at it this weekend.

Jason Locashio


First off, great plug-in. For someone new to GL, it was fairly easy to figure out, and is exactly what I was looking for.

I'm using Socialshare 1.0 with GL 1.7.0 and with a little bit of finessing, it's working really well, with a couple of exceptions:

1. If I make an attempt at upgrading to 1.1, the admin screen for SS is a blank page; no title, no content, no nuthin. Smile
At first I thought it might just be a permissions issue (I'm on Limewebs, and new files added via any source, ftp or their manager, get jack for permissions by default), but setting the index.php to 755 didn't change anything. I'm assuming it's an issue with the footer as I saw in an earlier post, but I'll verify that and let you know.

2. For some odd reason, any time I open a story to a full view (as in click the "read more" link), my email and print icons disappear from the top of the story. They are there in a intro view, however. My immediate idea was to add print and email into the SS pop-up, but that was tougher than I expected. It seems the URL that GL uses for emailing is not the same format as for printing or linking to a story, so this doesn't work:

Text Formatted Code

I could conceivably just link to a mailto:, but why circumvent functionality already in GL?


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