Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, October 13 2024 @ 02:22 am EDT

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Cannot Select Theme

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Registered: 04/26/09
Posts: 16
I am having an issue with allowing users to change themes. I created a new theme and set it as the default in the global configuration, but now if I go into a user's settings (including admin) and change from the default theme to another theme, nothing happens. If I log out and back in, the usersettings have reverted from the new selection back to the default theme. This happens regardless of whether the default theme is set to my new theme or to another theme.

Example: If the global default is set at "Professional," I can go into admin's user settings and change the theme to "Pure." If I hit reload, I expect to see the new theme, but instead the page reloads and still uses the Professional theme, even though the selection says "Pure." If I log out admin and log back in, the theme selection has reverted back to "Professional."

Any ideas?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The setting in the Configuration sets the default theme for new and anonymous users. Existing users will have to change theirs under "My Account".

bye, Dirk

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