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Media gallery and memory_limit

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I've installed Media Gallery on my GL site and have been using it okay, except I can only upload very small photos to albums. memory_limit is set to 8 Mb and I've spoken to the webhosts and they don't really want to increase it because they'd have to do it for everyone and it would choke the system.

They also suggested other people have galleries on their systems (probably not GL though) and get on okay by limiting the image sizes to say 800 pixels width. The theory is that if you upload say a 1400 wide image, the system will re-size it first.

So in my test album, I've set the limits to 200 x 200 pixels and 1000 kb. Then I try uploading a 2000 x 1400, 600 kb photo, hoping it will be sized down to 200 x 200 and fit in okay. But I just get a blank page.

It seems that only if I pre-reduce the image with my own graphics editor then upload it will the process work okay. So I assume that means that the size I try to upload is what matters (which makes sense to me, but my webhost suggested that people have the gallery re-size the images, but I don't think it gets a chance because of the memory limit).

If I set the limits to 800x600 and pre-reduce my image to that first, then upload, it's okay.

Note upload_max_filesize is 20 Mb, post_max_size is 55 Mb, whatever they control.

Any advice - is 8 Mb just way too small or is there some other problem? The graphics package is GD libraries.


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GD is a memory hog, but 8MB is still too small.
But you should still try imagemagick or netpbm. Your host may already have the binaries. try /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/ for your path.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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The webhoster says he can upload 20 pics in one go, so I'll try to find out what package he uses. I tried setting to those other two, and tried both paths you suggested, but got errors like:

file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/bin//convert) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/world:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) @ /home/world/public_html/admin/plugins/mediagallery/envcheck.php line 94

I thought setting skip_file_find to 1 should've got rid of those errors (I had to set it earlier to get rid of a similar jhead error).

So I'll find out, at this stage not sure whether those packages are available.

Must admit I haven't followed your attached link - the gallery2 website seems to be down at the moment, so I'll try again later.

While I'm here - am I blind or is there no delete option in albums? I want to delete a couple of photos and I can't find a delete button anywhere, only an entire album delete option.

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Quote by: worldfooty


There is a typo, no double slash //convert !

Anyway there must be a bis misunderstanding. 8 MB for a jpg pic is huge. Normally they are no more than 0.5 -2 MB.

As far as I understand not the memory limit is important but the upload_max_filesize.

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Hello Worldfooty,

To delete medias in an album go to media manager, select medias and press delete button.

See # Manage Media Items on this page.

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Quote by: cordiste

Hello Worldfooty,

To delete medias in an album go to media manager, select medias and press delete button.

See # Manage Media Items on this page.


Ah, I hadn't thought to look there. Thanks.

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Quote by: 1000ideen

Quote by: worldfooty


There is a typo, no double slash //convert !

Anyway there must be a bis misunderstanding. 8 MB for a jpg pic is huge. Normally they are no more than 0.5 -2 MB.

As far as I understand not the memory limit is important but the upload_max_filesize.

The double slash must come from having a slash at the end of the path. But going without the slash gives much the same error:

Text Formatted Code
2 - file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/bin/convert) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/world:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) @ /home/world/public_html/admin/plugins/mediagallery/envcheck.php line 94

But when I asked my webhost if imagemagik and NetPBM are installed and what the path is, he said they are, but forgot to tell me the path. So I'll try again.

In terms of 8 MB, no the photos are much smaller, around 800 kb. I think that limit of 8 Mb is the limit for the process to suck the photo in, re-size it and produce a thumbnail. I assume that's what it means anyway.

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open_basedir restriction

This is a server configuration to ensure your site stays within its "playground" so to say.
Ask your host to add the IM and Netpbm path(s) to your allowed open_basedir path.


Upload your own precompiled Netpbm binaries to a path within your site's playground and use those.

FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with the E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2 - http://www.flashyourweb.com

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But when I asked my webhost if imagemagik and NetPBM are installed and what the path is, he said they are, but forgot to tell me the path. So I'll try again.

So I asked for what the path was, and he said:

Damn good question..

If you look at the bottom of cpanel (home) you can see Installed Perl Modules and path..

Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl


I'm not sure what that has to do with my question! He actually hosts us for free, beggars can't be choosers, so I won't hassle him anymore.

So I'll either install the binaries as suggested, or maybe just live with GD - it seems to work as long as I limit images to less than 700 kb and 800 pixels wide.

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Is that MG 1.5.1 ? I remembered that the paths were not so easy to set up.

In the Media Gallery Administration try imagemagick and "Graphics Package Path:" /usr/bin/


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Yeah, that's where I've been adjusting the path, but it doesn't find it, or I guess those basedir errors.

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