Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 07:50 pm EST

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Oddity with configuration interface since upgrade

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Registered: 08/10/03
Posts: 34

I upgraded my 1.4.1 to 1.5.2 over the weekend. My 1.4.1 setup had been using the Professional theme for a while but I had previously used the Smooth Blue theme and those files still existed in the layout directory.

After the upgrade to 1.5.2, when I access the new configuration interface (which is an AWESOME improvement to using config.php) a strange thing occurs. Making a change and then clicking the "save" button will almost always produce this error message -

Template Error: set_root: /home/xxxxxx/public_html/layout/Smooth_Blue/admin/config is not a directory.

If I hit the 'back' button the change I made IS there and DID take effect on the site, which is the good news. Sometimes if I hit the 'save' button a second time after going back, no error message appears.

I said "almost always" earlier because it does not happen every time. I have not narrowed it down to anything specific yet. The site is working fine and the changes I request do take effect as I said, but this odd error keeps popping up.

Since I was no longer using the Smooth Blue theme anyway, I deleted it's directory under the layout folder but it made no difference. Like I said, as far as users are concerned, the site is working fine so it's not a really big deal, just odd.

Since 2003 I have been a Geeklog user and it's still the only choice for me. Nearing 4000 stories posted so far and no end in sight! Thanks to all of you fine folks here for your hard work and technical expertise which enables simple users like myself to look like we're smart and helps us spend our time on the actual site content and not the site itself!



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Sounds very similar to this issue. Time to look into that bug, I guess ...

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 12/29/04
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Location:Champaign, Illinois
Yup, same issue.
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