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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 12
So, about a week ago, all of the sudden, the several GL sites on my server have been getting bombarded with ppl/bots trying to hit trackback.php and spamx/MassDelete.Admin.class.php. Bad Behavior has apparently been doing its job and catching the offenders, but then my firewall has been 'helpful' and letting me know via email that it dropped the 403 response back to the bot. To the tune of about 10-20 per minute. I finally gave up and renamed the trackback.php so that it won't even work.

These are all sites that are running 1.4.1 (different story). Is there anything that I should be worried about, or is it that I just finally made it onto bot lists? I'm looking into mod_security to see if I can cut down some of the noise that way too...



To be made it into the list finally. Just like everyone thats been online for awhile, they've been getting hit as well. I on the other hand don't have so many hits. I guess the spammers don't like it when I take their websites or domains down. Of course there are some utterly stupid spammers out there, and thats how I find them, or should I say they find me.

As far as being worried about it...nah. Just as long as you have your server and site secured, you should be safe.

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