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Registered: 10/22/08
Posts: 21
i m a new user to develop web site by using geeklog. i've a prob my site. can you give me suggestion/instruction how to do? :pray:

i saw stories at my site below the error msg
"Allowed HTML Tags:
<p>, <b>, <strong>, <i>, <a>, <em>, <br>, <tt>, <hr>, <li>, <ol>, <ul>, <code>, <pre>, <div>, <span>, <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>, [code], [raw], [page_break], [story], [event], [forum], [link], [staticpage], [staticpage_content]

above that case, i cant edit/use any html code. so where can i change? what is wrong my site? can you explain me step by step? i m worried rite now. help me pls. who knows? pls ans me! Frown

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