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Uninstalling Blog plugin

Status: offline


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Registered: 01/14/05
Posts: 1569
Location:la rochelle, France

When I try to uninstall Blog plugin 1.0.0_1.5.0 I get "An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details."

Text Formatted Code
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Auto-uninstalling plugin blog:
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Dropping table gl_blog_items
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Dropping table gl_blog_items_submission
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove the Blog Admin group
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove the Blog Admin group from all groups.
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove blog.edit rights from all groups
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove the blog.edit feature
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove blog.moderate rights from all groups
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove the blog.moderate feature
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove blog.submit rights from all groups
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove the blog.submit feature
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:13 - Attempting to remove comments for blog
12/09/08 20:17:13 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:14 - Attempting to remove config table records for group_name: blog
12/09/08 20:17:14 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:14 - Attempting to unregister the blog plugin from Geeklog
12/09/08 20:17:14 - ...success
12/09/08 20:17:14 - Finished uninstalling the blog plugin.
12/09/08 20:17:14 - 1146: Table 'geeklog151.gl_blog_items' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gl_blog_items


I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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