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Content Syndication problem

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When I create a new feed of type "Articles" the "Contents:" drop down menu is blank and I am not able to select Allstories or anything else.

Edit: I can't get feeds to work at all. They are enabled and i have even set the 'backend' and 'geeklog.rss' permissions 777.

What am I missing?

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Are the topics visible to guests? Maybe upload the language files again?

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No, the topics are not visible to guests. Is that the problem?

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Yes, because the rss feed is visible to everybody. That`s why it is not being generated. Idea Idea Idea

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Yep that was it. But, you can turn off public access after creating the feed. The feed will continue to work (only if stories are anon access enabled) even if you turn off public access to the topic.

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Quote by: scubasteve

The feed will continue to work (only if stories are anon access enabled) even if you turn off public access to the topic.

It'll be updated the next time you publish a story.

You do have a point, though - it should also be updated when topic permissions change. Please submit a bugreport.

bye, Dirk

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You do have a point, though - it should also be updated when topic permissions change. Please submit a bugreport.

I will but this is giving me the functionality I desire. I want to have a rss feed with the story titles but require users to be logged in to actually read them.

Please keep that in mind with new versions/updates to geeklog.


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Quote by: scubasteve

Please keep that in mind with new versions/updates to geeklog.

Then I'd suggest you also submit a feature request :wink:

Although, strictly speaking, that isn't exactly what RSS feeds were designed for. I see a need for RSS feeds that take permissions into account (as opposed to the public feeds we have now). What you're asking for, though, is a mixture of both.

bye, Dirk

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Wasn`t there a hack to make headlines and intro visible for guests but the "read more" was only visible to members?

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Quote by: 1000ideen

Wasn`t there a hack to make headlines and intro visible for guests but the "read more" was only visible to members

Not sure. Last time I looked into that, I ran into problems to properly hide the comments to such an article. It's been a while, though ...

bye, Dirk

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