
i came accross this plugin "mgmediabrowser-1.5.1", here is the readme intro for thi plugin.


Media Gallery Media Browser is a plugin for the FCKeditor that is included
with Geeklog v1.4.1. This plugin will allow you to easily insert Media Gallery
auto tags into your stories and static pages. Once installed, simply press the
MG button on your editor toolbar to open the Media Browser. Select the type of
auto tag, attribute and the media item, press INSERT and the auto tag will be
placed in the editor window.


mgMedia Browser was developed using Geeklog v1.4.1 and Media Gallery v1.4.8.
It may work with earlier versions of both Geeklog and Media Gallery. If using
an earlier release of Geeklog, the installation instructions for adding the
MG icon to the FCKeditor toolbars may not be accurate. You will need to find
the proper files that define the menus and perform the edits on those files

The way I read it you don't need mediagallery as a plugin
you follow the instructions and add it to your existing fckeditor plugin, edit the toolbars for fckeditor and there you go.
I could be wrong.

All I want to do is be able to ad video, youtube news to my news stories, i don't want the full blown media gallery

any help appreciated again,



sorry, i placed this question in the wrong forum. if i could move it i would.