Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 03:06 pm EST

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ADVT (zClassifieds) on 1.5


Has anyone gotten the ADVT plugin to work with version 1.5?

If so, some hints would be greatly appreciated.


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Registered: 03/14/08
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Location:Karachi, Pakistan
yups, been a while but will try to remember what i did to make it work.

what problem are you facing?

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Where YOU report the news


Thanks for the reply.

I go through the install as it states in the install document. Everything looks OK, but when I go to the plugins admin and click the install link it just says:

"Not installed" and refers back to the install documentation.

I seemed to have recalled a similar problem when I installed into a 1.3.1 site I had. But, I don't remember how I fixed it then. Possibly changing a permissions setting on a folder(?).

Thanks for the help.

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Sounds like it requires register_globals = on

bye, Dirk


Quote by: Dirk

Sounds like it requires register_globals = on

That was it.

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Registered: 08/04/03
Posts: 1298
Uh, does any of the classifieds plugins work with register globals off?


I integrated this classified module http://drupalmodules.com/module/classified-ads
and results are good so far



I just updated from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 and ADVT now is broken. ADVT shows a blank page on the advt/index.php and advt/modify.php pages.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: error() in /GL/advt/index.php on line 200

where line 200 of the advt/index.php files is:

Text Formatted Code
                $cats = mysql_query( "SELECT cat_name, root_id FROM {$_TABLES['ad_category']} WHERE papa_id='' ORDER BY add_date DESC" ) or error( mysql_error() );


Nothing should have changed during the upgrade with the advt install.

Any ideas?


I found that after I upgraded advt would only display a blank when G2Bridge was enabled, and I would work perfectly with G2Bridge disabled. Failing to understand the relation, instead I looked at the mysql_query that was failing and still could not find any relation to G2Bridge.

I tried to uninstall both plugins and reinstall without any luck. I noticed that all of the other plugins I looked at don't use mysql_query, but instead DB_query to access the database. I replaced all of advt mysql_query calls to DB_query calls and advt is working again with G2Bridge enabled.


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