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First of all, I am so sorry for having to ask a question. I've used these forums a lot for figuring out how to make changes/fix things, and have always been able to find an answer. This one has been eluding my search for days, though, and I would really appreciate some advice.

I'm using a Fantastico installation of Geeklog 1.4.1, with the Professional Theme.

My issue is this: I've placed a background image on the site, and can see it fine... maybe too fine... because the largest "block" or "column" (or whatever it is called in the main body of the page) seems to be transparent; the page background shows through this part also (instead of just the "background" areas on either side), and the static pages become illegible against it. (It shows through on every page, but some portions - like news stories & the forums - still have a white background; static pages are fully transparent.)

I have read the theme documentation and looked in each of the suggested files there for changing themes, but have not found the solution that way. I have also fiddled with the style.css a ton. I've gone through each file (like the style, header, footer, etc.) searching the word "trans" to try and track down all the transparent parts of the page, and have changed them one at a time to #FFFFFF in an attempt to narrow it down. I just cannot figure out how to make the background of the center block show up as white rather than transparent.

Any help anyone can give pointing me in the right direction for this would be most appreciated! And again, I apologize for having to bother people here; I wouldn't have asked if I had not made a very good faith effort myself already in searching for an answer here & in trying to figure it out alone.

Thank you very, very much again, in advance!

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Here's a piece of the code of the demo-site, which is also running GL 1.41 and the Proff. theme:

Text Formatted Code
<td class="story-container">

                <p class="header-welcomeanddate-text">
                    <b>Welcome to  Geeklog Demo Site</b><br>Wednesday, June 18 2008 @ 03:51 PM EDT

                <!-- START OF CONTENT AREA -->
<div class="story-featured">
    <span class="story-icons">
        <a href="

As you see, the table cell with class="story-container" is the middle column.

So add a background color to this selector in the stylesheet (/public_html/layout/professional/style.css) like this:

.story-container {
/* frame around all stories & centerblocks*/
background-color: #ffffff;

Or give this table cell a background-color in the html code:
Text Formatted Code
<td class="story-container" style="background-color:#ffffff">

It should be in /public_html/layout/professional/header.thtml
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking: | | |


Thank you, thank you, so very much!

That fixed the majority of my background woes! It left a small gap between the center block and the left side, but adding the same "background-color: #FFFFFF;" to the block-outerborder spots in the style sheet fixed that right up, as well.

I wouldn't have gotten there without your guidance; I really appreciate it!

Thank you!

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Registered: 08/05/03
Posts: 969
I'm glad to see your problem is solved. If you want to know a bit more about HTML and CSS, have a look at And if you use Firefox with the webdeveloper plugin you can outline the tables and tablecells of your site, which makes it easier to recognise the parts in the Geeklog themes.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking: | | |


Thank you for this post.

It has helped me out big time.
