Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, October 10 2024 @ 11:35 pm EDT

Geeklog Forums

Help! chatterblock plugin caused web server to


serve up blank pages.

I installed the chatterblock plugin today and it worked fine until I changed the admin settings to (iframe, no show ip addresses, no allow members to delete last post)...then the server "crashed" upon saving the changes. Now all pages are white. A complete white-out.

I can not access the admin functions in order to disable the plug in.

I can ftp in order to change files and I can access the phpmyadmin page, and that is all I have to work with...

Can someone help me out here? Please help me with a way to disable this plugin. Thanks.


Went to the gl_plugins table and set pi enabled to 0. This disabled chatterblock.

Now to figure out what went wrong.

All times are EDT. The time is now 11:35 pm.

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