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After Installation (GoDaddy) Stories Will Not Post To The Front Page

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No matter how many times I go back into the story and set it to show on the front page it doesn't save it. Geeklog says it saved but then the story is set back to show only in topic. I've never experienced this problem before. GoDaddy has a thing where they will install Geeklog for you and I let it do that. Is there some permissions I need to set?

Thank you,

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The featured story info is stored in the DB so it should save if the other information in a story is saving.

One thing you could do is checkout the gl_stories table in what every godaddy gives you to access your database and make sure the featured column of the story record you want featured is set to the number one. Also make sure all other stories featured column is set to 0.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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I'm not trying to make the story a featured story, just to make the story show on the front page. Every time I try to resave the story by changing the properties of the story to show on front page it just ignores what I changed and puts it to show only in topic. I haven't done an installation of Geeklog in a few years so maybe there is something I'm missing. I deleted the GoDaddy install and ran my own following the directions to a T and got the same behavior.

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Are you using the professional theme?

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Yes but I changed the style sheet to change colors of things.

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Quote by: fatnick

I'm not trying to make the story a featured story, just to make the story show on the front page. Every time I try to resave the story by changing the properties of the story to show on front page it just ignores what I changed and puts it to show only in topic. I haven't done an installation of Geeklog in a few years so maybe there is something I'm missing. I deleted the GoDaddy install and ran my own following the directions to a T and got the same behavior.

Sorry I guess I read your post to quickly. A front page story works in a similar way though as a featured story. If you have access to the db directly try changing the frontpage flag to the number one in gl_stories. If the record is already set to one then we know it's saving the information correctly and it is another problem.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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OK, I played with it a little bit and the frontpage flag in the gl_stories was set to one. I went to the story itself in the table and I set featured to 1 and saved it. The story would then show up in my stories list in the admin page as featured but still would not display on the front page. I'm still having no luck with this. I had a geeklog installation working fine on this I believe I was using 1.4.0 and I had no issues. I was also able to edit the story and turn it off from being featured and it saved properly. Maybe I am missing something in the config.php?

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Oh I also set the frontpage to one and it still doesn't show up on the front page. Also when I save the story to the system I save it with the frontpage flagged but it saves it as a 0 in the database.

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Check the read permissions on your topics and the stories themselves. It sounds like an access issue.

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Everything is OK with the permissions. I just double checked.

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I have a few geeklog sites that I manage hosted by GoDaddy and they all work fine, so it is definitely not GoDaddy. However, I did have a similar problem for a story on one of the sites and found it was because I had mistakenly turned on the archive feature for that story and it was past the archive date. Once I disabled the archive feature for that story it worked fine.

That's the only thing I can think of off of the top of my head, if I think of anything else I'll let you know.


hey man your domain had been expired !!


Check the date of the story.

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I checked the date of the story and it was fine but the archiving feature is on. However when I uncheck it and save the story with the correct parameters I want (like show on front page) it doesn't bother saving those and it keeps the archiving on. I am on a new host and I have the same issue so the hosting is not the issue.

Is there a way to turn off the archiving completely?

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I figured it out. I had only one topic and it was set to be the default archive topic. Once I unchecked that in the topic settings the story started saving the way I wanted it to. Thanks to this forum that I searched I was able to get leads on where to look to solving the issue. Thanks to everyone who chimed in and helped out.


I was having a similar problem that stories would not be shown either in the topic or on the front page.
I checked the table gl_userindex for my userid and found the column aids had a value of 3 in it. No other users had any value. I removed the value and wallah, I can now see the story. I dont know how the value got there.

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