Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, January 19 2025 @ 03:04 pm EST

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Plugin for configuration file?


Is there a plugin for the config.php file? Seem like every little thing I try to do part of the instructions involve changing or setting some parameter in the config.php file. It would be niice if I could get a plugin that has all (or most) of that stuff in English instead of in code. Anyone know of such a plugin?

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The "plugin" will be called Geeklog 1.5 :wink:

There's a config editor out there somewhere (either here or over on gplugs.sf.net), but it's really only a way to edit config.php from the website without having to transfer the file back and forth. You'd still be editing PHP code.

bye, Dirk


So the answer is "no"? Given all the headaches I've had getting Geeklog 1.4 to work, I'm not exactly in the mood to start over with 1.5.

Thanks anyway,

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Quote by: Ron

So the answer is "no"?

"Not yet", as I said.

Actually, I think I saw something in the Geeklog book that the folks from Geeklog Japan wrote. But given that I can't read Japanese, I'm not sure if it actually is what I think it is ...

Quote by: Ron

Given all the headaches I've had getting Geeklog 1.4 to work, I'm not exactly in the mood to start over with 1.5.

Sorry to hear that. The good news then is that

1) Geeklog 1.5 isn't out yet and
2) it will come with a new installation script.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Ron

So the answer is "no"? Given all the headaches I've had getting Geeklog 1.4 to work, I'm not exactly in the mood to start over with 1.5.

I'm still a php novice, but installing Geeklog is quite easy: just set the pathes in 2 files and the database userdata in 1 file, upload the files, adjust some permissions (see the Docs) and go to the install file. You first install could take one hour perhaps, but I can install Geeklog in less than 10 minutes if I want to...

You can adjust the other config settings afterwards, that's just finetuning.
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I found the "toolbox" plugin at gplugs.sf.net.

The config.php editor takes a step out of the process; that is, using ftp or ssh when you are going to open a browser to test changes anyway.

I modified a copy of the config.php edit tool to give me a lib-custom.php edit tool. (Hope I am not screwing something up whenever I now save lib-custom.php!)

The database viewer gives a less cluttered comparison to the intense UI of phpMyAdmin--a bit of a relief for mystified learns like myself.

I won't be testing the data base editor but I can also use it as comparison before editing in phpMyAdmin.

Having php and global info on the page is convenient.

In the global info tool I had to comment out a line in to get it working right:

Text Formatted Code
//        echo htmlentities($value) . '<br>';

I think the visitor stats is based on already having the stats plugin.

The upload tool lets an admin pick the target directory, which might be quicker than opening ftp sometimes.

I was a little worried about security but I am denied access unless logged in as Admin.

"A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking."--Steven Wright


Quote by: beewee
I'm still a php novice, but installing Geeklog is quite easy: just set the pathes in 2 files and the database userdata in 1 file, upload the files, adjust some permissions (see the Docs) and go to the install file. You first install could take one hour perhaps, but I can install Geeklog in less than 10 minutes if I want to...

You can adjust the other config settings afterwards, that's just finetuning.[/p]

This gave me a little chuckle. I can see your point, but you have to admit that setting paths, adjusting database userdata, uploading files AND fiddling with permissions isn't in the same ballpark as double-clicking an install icon. Windows was "easier" to install - much more tedious and time consuming, yes, but very easy. Geeklog suffers from what all open-source does - self installation. It's a pain. I know "how" to do it, I just don't enjoy it. It's like changing the oil in my car - I can do it, but I choose to take the "easy" road and get someone else to do the "install" for me. :wink:

That said, I can do the php updates in the config.php file - I'm just looking for an easier way. I find wading through someone elses code tedious - I'd rather click radio buttons or fill in option text boxes. Most everything in the file is just variables and settings - I'd just like a GUI interface to set them.

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Then wait for 1.5. No file editing at all in 1.5. You just ftp the files and browse to the installer. Answer a few questions and you are done and then hit a button.

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That is a laudable if a 1.5 install is equatable to a windows install.

Windows is an operating system that costs hundreds of dollars, designed by paid programmers who make working for one of the most successful companies in human history their first priority in life. It includes packages designed to accommodate the widest variety of current hardware. It is generally being installed to a blank hard drive on a hardware system usually designed to accommodate it.

Geeklog is free, cutting edge CMS that sports the packages provided by coders who then still have to make a living. It is for web developers, hobbyists and geeks. It is being installed to a variety of operating systems not particularly administered to accommodate it.

I don't see any comparison. What I do see is a group of people who are helpful and gregarious without great renumeration and often in the face of hostility and baffling demands.
"A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking."--Steven Wright

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