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What Wiki Works?
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I have not, so far, been able to get either eWiki or DocuWiki to work on my GL 1.4.1 installation, here: http://dalpa.us/community
With DocuWiki, I followed the instructions for upload, but the plugin never showed up in the plugin screen. With eWiki, I have tried both the 1.2 and 1.3 Beta versions, and although it shows up in the plugin install screen, nothing happens when I click install now, and I am returned to the screen which says eWiki is not installed.
I have MediaGallery and other plugins installed no problem, and this is my fifth GL implementation, so I am very familiar with the CMS, and with installing plugins and making modifications to it. This is the first time I have tried a Wiki, though, and can't get anything to work. This is a core requirement for this site, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I would like a recommendation on what package to use, and if there are any step by step install instructions above and beyond what comes with the plugin packages. I have searched the forums and found other people having similar issues, but never saw any solutions posted. I have also seen people describing how well the software works, so I know it's not just overall bugginess. Thanks in advance for your help...
Luhme summa dat GL.
With DocuWiki, I followed the instructions for upload, but the plugin never showed up in the plugin screen. With eWiki, I have tried both the 1.2 and 1.3 Beta versions, and although it shows up in the plugin install screen, nothing happens when I click install now, and I am returned to the screen which says eWiki is not installed.
I have MediaGallery and other plugins installed no problem, and this is my fifth GL implementation, so I am very familiar with the CMS, and with installing plugins and making modifications to it. This is the first time I have tried a Wiki, though, and can't get anything to work. This is a core requirement for this site, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I would like a recommendation on what package to use, and if there are any step by step install instructions above and beyond what comes with the plugin packages. I have searched the forums and found other people having similar issues, but never saw any solutions posted. I have also seen people describing how well the software works, so I know it's not just overall bugginess. Thanks in advance for your help...
Luhme summa dat GL.
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When you were uploading / installing DokuWiki, are you positive you spelled the directory names correctly? The correct spelling for directories is dokuwiki. I've seen this bite several folks in the past. DokuWiki needs to be installed in:
I've seen folks use docuwiki, DokuWiki (which won't work on a case sensitive file system).
Obviously, this may not be your problem, but it has been the reason that it didn't show up on the plugins page for several other folks.
Text Formatted Code
I've seen folks use docuwiki, DokuWiki (which won't work on a case sensitive file system).
Obviously, this may not be your problem, but it has been the reason that it didn't show up on the plugins page for several other folks.
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I did go through the naming convention changes after discovering the forum posts related to that. However, I'll walk back through it again with the info you just provided, and update afterwards. Thanks!
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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OK, I got Dokuwiki installed and it now lists in my admin menu, in the top plugin menu, and shows as installed on the plugin list. However, any call to doku.php returns a blank page, whether it's the user call, or the admin call. I thought this might be permissions based, so I opened up all the permissions wide open, and same thing. Next, I went into the MySQL db and found the entry in gl_plugins that shows the plugin present. What I don't see in there are any tables or entries for doku other than that (i.e. the gl_mg tables for media gallery, and the gl_forum tables for the forum). Is it possible that the db mod script failed, or that I am missing a step somewhere?
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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I'm willing to bet you missed this one very important step in the installation instructions:
Edit the local.protected.php file located in the public_html/dokuwiki/conf/ directory. Change the require_once line to include the full path to your Geeklog lib-common.php file and then save the file.
Usually if you don't do this step, you'll get the blank page as you described.
Edit the local.protected.php file located in the public_html/dokuwiki/conf/ directory. Change the require_once line to include the full path to your Geeklog lib-common.php file and then save the file.
Usually if you don't do this step, you'll get the blank page as you described.
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Well, I did, but perhaps I am using the wrong addressing scheme. I have it set as so:
if (!function_exists('COM_getBlockTemplate') ) {
require_once('/public_html/community/lib-common.php'); //CHANGE TO POINT TO YOUR lib-common.php file
Should it be a fully qualified domain address, like so?
if (!function_exists('COM_getBlockTemplate') ) {
require_once('http://dalpa.us/community/lib-common.php'); //CHANGE TO POINT TO YOUR lib-common.php file
Luhme summa dat GL.
Text Formatted Code
if (!function_exists('COM_getBlockTemplate') ) {
require_once('/public_html/community/lib-common.php'); //CHANGE TO POINT TO YOUR lib-common.php file
Should it be a fully qualified domain address, like so?
Text Formatted Code
if (!function_exists('COM_getBlockTemplate') ) {
require_once('http://dalpa.us/community/lib-common.php'); //CHANGE TO POINT TO YOUR lib-common.php file
Luhme summa dat GL.
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Perfect, that fixed it exactly, and I now have a raw install running. I plan to hack it pretty heavily to use as a case study management tool. Is this your plugin, and would you like me to keep you posted on what we do with it?
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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Great! I did the integration part for Geeklog. As I'm sure you already know, DokuWiki is developed by the fine folks over at splitbrain.org. I would love to hear what you are doing with it, maybe there will be some enhancements we can get into the base code.
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Will do. As always, Mark, a ton of gratitude from low level guys like me who depend on the work of guys like you to make our projects happen. If this site turns a profit, I'll be sure to hit your Donate button.
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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Hey Mark, I don't see how the ACL deals with GeekLog users. How can group permissions be set to restrict various levels of access? I am using a queue namespace for new submissions, which I want to restrict to Administrators and the page author. After approval, I will move them to the common namespace.
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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Still waiting for some feedback on this. It seems like the native authentication is disabled in the GL port of Dokuwiki, but I need to be able to enforce some hierarchy. It can be as simple as two levels, with an admin group and a user group.
Luhme summa dat GL.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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OK, to clarify:
Local authentication is handed only to the Root user of the gl installation here in local.protected.php:
/* --- Do not change anything below this line --- */
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['superuser'] = '@Root';
$conf['openregister'] = 0;
$conf['autopasswd'] = 0;
$conf['authtype'] = 'geeklog';
$conf['passcrypt'] = 'smd5';
the two dist files both have no real data encoded in them, and the acl.auth.php contains the permissions for the default groups as below:
# none 0
# read 1
# edit 2
# create 4
# upload 8
# delete 16
* @LoggedinUsers 2
* @ALL 1
* @AllUsers 1
Aside from these default entries, I don't see anywhere to add groups, and more importantly, to add users to groups. Additionally, the GL Admin screen for this app confirms that authentication will be handled by GL, but that never seems to occur in the system. There are no groups created in GL_groups to account for dokuwiki administration levels like there are with other plugins.
So, I'm stumped. Any guidance, suggestions, helpful hints? I need to be able to have wiki pages submitted for review, visible only to the admins and the submitter prior to approval, and then visible to all.
Luhme summa dat GL.
Local authentication is handed only to the Root user of the gl installation here in local.protected.php:
Text Formatted Code
/* --- Do not change anything below this line --- */
$conf['useacl'] = 1;
$conf['superuser'] = '@Root';
$conf['openregister'] = 0;
$conf['autopasswd'] = 0;
$conf['authtype'] = 'geeklog';
$conf['passcrypt'] = 'smd5';
the two dist files both have no real data encoded in them, and the acl.auth.php contains the permissions for the default groups as below:
Text Formatted Code
# none 0
# read 1
# edit 2
# create 4
# upload 8
# delete 16
* @LoggedinUsers 2
* @ALL 1
* @AllUsers 1
Aside from these default entries, I don't see anywhere to add groups, and more importantly, to add users to groups. Additionally, the GL Admin screen for this app confirms that authentication will be handled by GL, but that never seems to occur in the system. There are no groups created in GL_groups to account for dokuwiki administration levels like there are with other plugins.
So, I'm stumped. Any guidance, suggestions, helpful hints? I need to be able to have wiki pages submitted for review, visible only to the admins and the submitter prior to approval, and then visible to all.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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You create your groups in Geeklog. Let's say you want to have a private wiki area, so you create a group in Geeklog called 'PrivateWiki', assign whatever users you want to that group.
Then, while in DokuWiki, navigate to the page or namespace you want to protect, select the Admin button, then choose Access Control List Management, that will bring up a screen where you can add your new group 'PrivateWiki'. The first line of that screen allows you to select the whole wiki, a name space or a specific page, then choose group, then type in your group name (PrivateWiki in this example). Set the appropriate access check boxes and save.
You may need one more step, if you have the default group of LoggedInUsers setup to read the whole * namespace, you may want to enter that group for your protected namespace and remove all the privileges.
Keep in mind that DokuWiki cannot handle spaces in the group names, so if a group is 'Logged In Users' in Geeklog, it translates to 'LoggedInUsers' in DokuWiki.
Let me know if this helps.
Then, while in DokuWiki, navigate to the page or namespace you want to protect, select the Admin button, then choose Access Control List Management, that will bring up a screen where you can add your new group 'PrivateWiki'. The first line of that screen allows you to select the whole wiki, a name space or a specific page, then choose group, then type in your group name (PrivateWiki in this example). Set the appropriate access check boxes and save.
You may need one more step, if you have the default group of LoggedInUsers setup to read the whole * namespace, you may want to enter that group for your protected namespace and remove all the privileges.
Keep in mind that DokuWiki cannot handle spaces in the group names, so if a group is 'Logged In Users' in Geeklog, it translates to 'LoggedInUsers' in DokuWiki.
Let me know if this helps.
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Jesus, Mark, it seems like I was overthinking all of this.
That's so simple as to be embarrassing. Thanks man.
Luhme summa dat GL.

That's so simple as to be embarrassing. Thanks man.
Luhme summa dat GL.
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