Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, December 10 2024 @ 10:59 pm EST

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SMTP Auth problem


I'm having trouble authenticating to my smtp server at my hosting company. I can set auth to true or fales and it doesn't connect.

my host uses SSL and I don't think GL will do that. What can be done? I've searched the forums but everyone seems to be missing this config, according to my GL guru, I'm setup correctly (AGAIN I can set 'auth' to true or false and it doesn't work, also tried both smtp ports that my host lists)

I'm stumped. Can GL run mail safely? I'm scared of spammers and such.

$_CONF['mail_settings'] = array (
'backend' => 'smtp', // can be one of 'mail', 'sendmail', 'smtp'

// sendmail parameters (only needed for 'backend' => 'sendmail'Wink
'sendmail_path' => '/usr/bin/sendmail',
'sendmail_args' => '',

// SMTP parameters (only needed for 'backend' => 'smtp'Wink
'host' => 'smtp.1and1.com',
'port' => '25',
'auth' => 'true',
'username' => 'my_email_username',
'password' => 'my_email_pass'

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Have you tried another smtp server for testing?

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If you set the port to 443 it should give you a secure (SSL) connection. Unless your ISP is running the service on a non-standard port, in which case you'd have to contact them.

bye, Dirk

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Posts: 65
Solution was fixed:

The server pear package wasn't up to par. We change the paths to use Geeklog pear package and all was fixed. Just wanted to post if anyone else was having similiar problems.

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