Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 01:41 pm EST

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I have 4 images in any article in topic "news" (for example), and i don't want to use [imageX]


Hi! PLEASE, help me.

I have a topic on my site (for example - News, id=news), and i want to modify code, for NOT_USING [imageX] in stories for this topic, for automate showing images in some standart places.

So, i contribute new story.
I add 4 images.
I want auto skip warning message (no place for images) & i want to save story with images like this template (preview - http://pontoprint.com.ua/art.html):

<td rowspan=2><img src="image1"></td>
<td colspan=3><h2>{story_title}</h2>
{story_anchortag_and_image}{story_introtext} <br /> {edit_link}&nbsp;{page_selector}<br /> {readmore_link} {post_comment_link}<br /> {start_comments_anchortag}{comments_with_count}{end_comments_anchortag}
<td><img src="image2"></td>
<td><img src="image3"></td>
<td><img src="image4"></td>

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This has been asked for many times and never gotten off the ground. You probably need to write it yourself or have someone write it for you.


Please help with logics.

[imageX] replace with <img ...> when i save the story?
I'll try to edit 917-922 lines in lib-story.php, add <!-- comments --> before <img> tags, comments will be added to article body...

I think, Geeklog do replace 2 times: when i save the story and when i open existing story for edit... I can't understand LOGIC.

I can write it by myself, help with understanding Smile


Lets make a little community for making this patch...
I need help :banghead:


Why you are silent? Help though to something, and together we shall win this problem. I do not ask the ready decision, I ask to help to understand logic.


I so understand, that replacement is done twice. First time - at preservation of clause and second time - if clause opens for repeated editing. IMHO it is necessary to edit a code in two places - automatically to add теги at preservation, and to not show them at opening clause for editing.


oops... теги = *tags*


So, I have a text.

I consider, that to it 4 images in the certain section will be ALWAYS added.

1. The section of clause, if news - go to 2, else - exit.
2. Actually, there is an addition of a code to the beginning and the end of clause. A question in how to receive codes of the added images and where to disconnect check on presence in the text [imageX]

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Registered: 01/08/03
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Quote by: jmucchiello

This has been asked for many times and never gotten off the ground. You probably need to write it yourself or have someone write it for you.

Joe is more intelligent than me, because I don't have a clue what you are really asking. Oops!

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He wants there to be a "template" for the stories on his system such that all his stories have similar layout. There's no real way to get access to the story images in the normal Geeklog templates.

Most similar proposals also involve there being more than one template that the story editor can choose at approval/edit time. So it's not just a case of modifying storytext.thtml in the layout directory.


It is absolutely clear that to insert templates is necessary not in .thtml, but in .php files. A question in, where and how. Smile

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