Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 02:41 pm EST
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more installation problems
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Make that "lines" (plural). A missing semicolon or single quote can sometimes cause an error quite a few lines later.
bye, Dirk
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/';
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.idhsgb.com/web';
New to php
An error has occurred:
2 - main(system/classes/timer.class.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/lib-common.php line 182
Do you need to see output of check.php? If so, can I PM or email them to you ??
Thanks :doh:
New to php
Is the public_html stuff here?
The geeklog system stuff is here?
What is this line 93 like in lib-common.php?
require_once( '/path/to/geeklog/config.php' );
New to php
public_html stuff here? YES
geeklog system stuff is here?
NOT /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/
------------------------------------ ????????
line 93 like in lib-common.php? YES
require_once( '/home/users/uks59246/html/config.php' );
Your ongoing help is greatly apreciated................I aint gonna touch anything until I hear back from you !!!! :banghead: :doh:

O.k. your geeklog system stuff should indeed be here but there are subdirectories!
This is necessary (with correct permissions):
and of course you got this one:
public_html stuff here? YES
geeklog system stuff is here?
NOT /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/
------------------------------------ ????????
line 93 like in lib-common.php? YES
require_once( '/home/users/uks59246/html/config.php' );
Your ongoing help is greatly apreciated................I aint gonna touch anything until I hear back from you !!!! :banghead: :doh:
Let's see if we can make this simple.
Based on what you told us above, we know where your public_html files are located and where your system files are located (your Geeklog config.php should be in that system directory). So, make sure the following settings are correct:
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/system/'; // should end in a slash
$_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/';
require_once( '/home/users/uks59246/html/system/config.php' );
Make these changes and let's see what happens next. Usual rules apply, if you get another error, post as much info as you can about the error if possible.
Good luck!
New to php

My 'idhsgb.com' is the 'public_html' folder, so my setup is: -
/home/users/uks59246/html/backups/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html//data/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/language/ (cmod 644)
/home/users/uks59246/html//logs/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/plugins/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/sql/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/system/ (cmod 745)
Under /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/ -
is all the public_html stuff, including:-
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/backend (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/articles (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/topics (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/userphotos (cmod 775)
config.php is in root (html), but not in system folder - all paths I can find sem to point to where it is ????
I can post check.php if you guys want me to, but will obviously have to edit out some info that I'd prefer the world didn't see - although as I said in previous one, I'm happy to PM/email the complete log.
:doh: :doh:
I had one case where geeklog could not access the upper folder. I tested this by installing all the stuff in the web root, that would be /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com or as you chose /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web
New to php
I would have thought tht geeklog is accessing the stuff in /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com
- as the install routine will start??
:doh: :doh: :banghead: :banghead:
Gawwwd, I hope Geeklog 2 contains an easy installation.
I've installed at least 5 other cms without any of these problems - but didn't like using any of them by comparison !!!)

/home/users/uks59246/html/backups/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html//data/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/language/ (cmod 644)
/home/users/uks59246/html//logs/ (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/plugins/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/sql/ (cmod 745)
/home/users/uks59246/html/system/ (cmod 745)
Under /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/ -
is all the public_html stuff, including:-
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/backend (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/articles (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/topics (cmod 775)
/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/images/userphotos (cmod 775)
Okay. Don't move anything. Start with a fresh config.php right where you have it in /home/users/uks59246/html. Make your database changes. Then change these 3 variables:
$_CONF['path_html'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/';
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.idhsgb.com/web';
And finally modify /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/lib-common.php so that the line that says
require_once( '/path/to/geeklog/config.php' );
now says
require_once( '/home/users/uks59246/html/config.php' );
Make no other changes.
Good luck.
New to php
Template Error: set_root: /home/users/uks59246/html//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/layout/professional is not a directory.
While comparing 'old' and 'clean' config.php's I think I found the error -
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/users/uks59246/html/'; was commented out
so after getting the above error, I corrected this, and tried check.php again.
SAME ERROR !!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:
Looks like it's closer to getting there - but like before, NOT gonna touch it till I hear back again. Your patience with me is appreciated :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
New to php

OK, dunno about you, this is starting to do my head in !!!
:banghead: :speechless:
I checked - line 74 $_CONF['path_html'] - and sure enough I had a stop ( '.' ) before what I should have, so removed it, re-uploaded and ran install - and got -
'An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details'
At the top of the error log is this -
An error has occurred:
2 - main() [function.main]: Unable to access /home/users/uks59246/html/language/english.php @ /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/lib-common.php line 388
As I've said before, your help is GREATLY appreciated, but (because of my lack of php knowledge) we (mainly me !!!) seem to be groping around in the dark. I appreciate that I'm taking up a lot of your time here - so I'm willing to pay you to install this, and sort it, for me - if you're interested, then I'll PM you.
New to php
string(32) ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear"
string(1) ":"
&object(timerobject)(4) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
object(url)(2) {
array(0) {
array(47) {
string(9) "gl_access"
string(17) "gl_article_images"
string(9) "gl_blocks"
string(15) "gl_commentcodes"
string(15) "gl_commentmodes"
string(11) "gl_comments"
string(14) "gl_cookiecodes"
string(14) "gl_dateformats"
string(9) "gl_events"
string(18) "gl_eventsubmission"
string(15) "gl_featurecodes"
string(11) "gl_features"
string(17) "gl_frontpagecodes"
string(20) "gl_group_assignments"
string(9) "gl_groups"
string(8) "gl_links"
string(17) "gl_linksubmission"
string(11) "gl_maillist"
string(18) "gl_personal_events"
string(14) "gl_pingservice"
string(10) "gl_plugins"
string(14) "gl_pollanswers"
string(16) "gl_pollquestions"
string(13) "gl_pollvoters"
string(12) "gl_postmodes"
string(11) "gl_sessions"
string(12) "gl_sortcodes"
string(13) "gl_speedlimit"
string(14) "gl_statuscodes"
string(10) "gl_stories"
string(18) "gl_storysubmission"
string(14) "gl_syndication"
string(9) "gl_topics"
string(12) "gl_trackback"
string(17) "gl_trackbackcodes"
string(10) "gl_tzcodes"
string(14) "gl_usercomment"
string(12) "gl_userindex"
string(11) "gl_userinfo"
string(12) "gl_userprefs"
string(8) "gl_users"
string(7) "gl_vars"
string(13) "gl_staticpage"
string(8) "gl_spamx"
string(20) "gl_commentspeedlimit"
string(19) "gl_submitspeedlimit"
string(12) "gl_userevent"
&object(database)(10) {
string(9) "localhost"
string(11) "uks59246web"
string(8) "uks59246"
string(9) "WWR5385ms"
resource(9) of type (mysql link)
string(12) "COM_errorLog"
string(10) "iso-8859-1"
array(0) {
array(5) {
string(11) "staticpages"
string(5) "spamx"
string(5) "links"
string(5) "polls"
string(8) "calendar"
array(4) {
string(1) "1"
string(1) "1"
string(13) "older_stories"
string(13) "older_stories"
array(2) {
string(16) "//www.idhsgb.com"
string(14) "www.idhsgb.com"
string(0) ""
string(3) "png"
array(12) {
string(45) "blockheader-left.thtml,blockfooter-left.thtml"
string(45) "blockheader-left.thtml,blockfooter-left.thtml"
string(45) "blockheader-left.thtml,blockfooter-left.thtml"
string(47) "blockheader-right.thtml,blockfooter-right.thtml"
string(45) "blockheader-left.thtml,blockfooter-left.thtml"
string(47) "blockheader-right.thtml,blockfooter-right.thtml"
string(47) "blockheader-right.thtml,blockfooter-right.thtml"
string(47) "blockheader-right.thtml,blockfooter-right.thtml"
string(45) "blockheader-left.thtml,blockfooter-left.thtml"
string(51) "blockheader-message.thtml,blockfooter-message.thtml"
string(51) "blockheader-related.thtml,blockfooter-related.thtml"
string(51) "blockheader-related.thtml,blockfooter-related.thtml"
'An SQL error has occurred. Please see error.log for details'
An error has occurred:
2 - main() [function.main]: Unable to access /home/users/uks59246/html/language/english.php @ /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/lib-common.php line 388
In any case, reading the error message again, is there are readable file named english.php in that path?
New to php
All the ones that failed have a double // after web...........then repeat the whole path except for the web folder (where they all are).........doesn't mean a thing to me, but imagine it makes sense to you guys ?????
And once again, I aint gonna mess with it

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
logs directory and the error.log and access.log files are okay.
Testing backend directory /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web/backend/ ...
backend directory and the geeklog.rss file are okay.
Testing userphotos directory /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/userphotos/ ...
Could not write to /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/userphotos/.
Please make sure this directory exists and is set to chmod 775.
Current permissions for userphotos: 0
Testing articles directory /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/articles/ ...
Could not write to /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/articles/.
Please make sure this directory exists and is set to chmod 775.
Current permissions for articles: 0
Testing topics directory /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/topics/ ...
Could not write to /home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/web//home/users/uks59246/html/idhsgb.com/images/topics/.
Please make sure this directory exists and is set to chmod 775.
Current permissions for topics: 0
Testing backups directory /home/users/uks59246/html/backups/ ...
backups directory is okay.
Testing data directory /home/users/uks59246/html/data/ ...
data directory is okay.
Results: 7 of 7 tests performed: 4 successful, 3 failed.
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