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Custom User Registration

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I probably do my GL sites a bit different than a most. I use one core GL for multiple sites. Most things work very well and it saves me a lot of set up time if I have to set up a new site. One problem that I have is when I need to make a change to lib-custom, that change affects all sites except if it's a function that isn't called. My biggest problem and headache is Custom User Registration. I don't know why but I find it very hard to implement. Maybe I don't see the forest for the trees because others say how easy it is. However each time I feel I have to reteach myself how to do it and it takes me way too much time to get it set up. .

Some of my sites have 1 extra field, some have 2. Now I have a site where I need 6 extra fields and include Captcha.

I would like to see Custom User Registration in a plugin. Does anyone think that's a good idea? If so this could be put up for Bounty.

I'm sure there is a better way!!!



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I agree. But I don't know if all the hooks are there to do it in a plugin. There are functions in CUSTOM_user* that don't have PLG_* analogs (such as CUSTOM_userform and CUSTOM_useredit).

But what would you really want? A plugin that lets you specify a list of fields and their descriptions and the plugin just manages them somehow?

Funny thing is the project I'm interrupting for the calendar would have that ability eventually. (Not it's primary focus but a side effect of the project makes such an idea easily added-on).

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That's exactly it, I think everyone who can implement GL is advanced enough to develop their own input form in the template. But a lot of folks like me don't spend enough time working PHP are able to just go into the GL core and make the changes especially without having a lot of errors to debug.

So I think something like this.

A form to enter the fields you want to include
Field name
Field length
Field type - checkbox, text box, option. memo, etc
Mandatory Y/N
Field Description and Help

Hit the magic twanger and viola it enters that field into the database then asks for the next field.

Captcha already implemented.

Say you want to change or remove a field, go to the admin page highlight the field and make the change

Of course it would also have to interact with some other admin forms too.

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Quote by: ronack

A form to enter the fields you want to include
Field name
Field length
Field type - checkbox, text box, option. memo, etc
Mandatory Y/N
Field Description and Help

Hit the magic twanger and viola it enters that field into the database then asks for the next field.

Yes, dynamic forms are not simple. Mapping checkboc, text, option, memo to the database is not simple. For example, the option box: where are the options stored? Where is the table that can hold a yes/no checkbox or a text box or a whole memo field? Doing Alter {$_TABLES['users']} makes upgrades difficult. What you are asking for is non-trivial.

But as I said above, it was something the project I was working on would make possible. So wait until Spring for something from me. Smile

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I know you're busy with the Calendar plugin, but I really need something sooner than next Spring / Summer. Maybe someone else could take this on?

There was something that uses a table called gl_LocalUserInfo in MySQL. I'm using it for one of my sites but it seems to require a matching field in the gl_users table unless I'm not using it correctly. Does anyone know if I may not have this set up right?

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Quote by: ronack

I know you're busy with the Calendar plugin, but I really need something sooner than next Spring / Summer. Maybe someone else could take this on?

It would probably take me just as long to explain my plans for this project to someone as it would for me just to do it. My plans are for more than just adding a couple fields to the user login.

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Quote by: jmucchiello

Quote by: ronack

I know you're busy with the Calendar plugin, but I really need something sooner than next Spring / Summer. Maybe someone else could take this on?

It would probably take me just as long to explain my plans for this project to someone as it would for me just to do it. My plans are for more than just adding a couple fields to the user login.

I understand.

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