
My site is hosted on GoDaddy so it's installed completely within the root.

I've been searching the forums, FAQs, etc. but haven't found an answer to my question. I want to completely uninstall and remove Geeklog.

I'd very much appreciate it if someone would answer my question or point me to it. Clear instructions would also be extremely helpful as I will admit to not be completely savvy with this sort of thing.

Thanks in advance!

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Drop the database and remove all the files (they're all in one directory) ...

bye, Dirk


Can you be more specific when you say "drop the database"?

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"Drop" is SQL-speak for "delete". If you have phpMyAdmin or some other tool to administer the database, you should have a button there labelled one or the other.

In plain SQL, you'll have to issue this statement:
Text Formatted Code
(where "geeklog" is the name of your database).

bye, Dirk

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Has it been installed with fantastico?


I don't have phpMyAdmin, however Godaddy does have a db admin page. When I checked that page it lists no databases at all.

It was not installed using Fantastico.

Thanks in advance once again for your assistance!

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Any idea HOW it was installed? Did you do it by hand? Is it still running although there is no database listed at all?

I am no Godaddy expert. Do they have cpanel and fantastico at all? Is there an overview of the created databases?

Once the database is deleted Geeklog is not "existing" any more. You may then delete the rest of the files manually. You can see what the files are being called if you download geeklog http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/viewcat.php?cid=8 and simply compare the files and subdirectories.