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Registered: 05/07/07
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I'm implemented a custom registration, including custom user validation and everything works great, except for one thing. The post back of variables is not occurring when an error is detected with the data, the input fields are not getting repopulated.

It looks like it is doing a COM_refresh(), which generates a Meta Refresh, and killing all the $_POST variables. Is there an alternative method of doing this to preserve what the user entered? I'm debating adding the values to the query string and detect $_GET and $_POST at the beginning of my custom form to repopulate, but not sure if there is a better way.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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I don't see a COM_refresh in users.php, but there is one in the CUSTOM_loginErrorHandler in lib-custom.php. Try removing/commenting out the error handler function.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 05/07/07
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The COM_refresh was the call in the CUSTOM_userCheck from the Custom Registration example I followed.

When I comment out CUSTOM_userCheck and type emails differently, I get the error message re: the emails and no fields are refilled.

I'll crawl through the normal registration path and try to get a better understanding of the process.

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Registered: 05/07/07
Posts: 12
Figured out the issue. I don't know if it was in the example I used or when I was removing functionality that I didn't need.

Inside CUSTOM_userform, the

$user_templates->set_var('fullname', $_POST['cust_fullname']);

lines were referencing an array named $A. I believe you were supposted to assign $A = $_POST or $_GET, depending on how you submitted the form. I just used $_POST directly. Everything working now. Thanks for the help.