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Adding a field to the calendar submission page

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Registered: 02/14/07
Posts: 16
Location:Beverly, MA
I'm sure if I look, it will be right infront of me, but rather than experiment with trial and error, is there any instructions on how to do this? I want to add a price field to my events.

I leave carnage in my wake.


changing the submission process is not trivial. There is no existing manual for it. There are several tables and multiple functions and templates that have to be changed. Also, in new versions of Geeklog you have to re-do it.

you would have to go step by step through the functions of the submission process in the plugin and change the code involved.

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Registered: 02/14/07
Posts: 16
Location:Beverly, MA
Bummer. Maybe when I have more time I'll look into it. Maybe an editor can be something that's implemented into future releases of geeklog? That would be sweet.
I leave carnage in my wake.


well the submission information is stored in a specific table. When the data is displayed for approval, its used in a template. Then, it is saved as an actual content in another table. in each place, the new field has to be added. Also the storage, loading and updating of the database has to be handled. To handle the fields of a table so generic that a non-php savvy admin can add fields of whatever type to the whole system is basically impossible, unless the whole system is setup as such from the beginning.

Not to mention the problems you get when an admin creates a field "x" and the actual function is extended also in a new version by a field of the same name "x". The data would be corrupted, the upgrade would break.

I agree with you that it would be sweet but I can assure you that you will not find many portals/weblogs/cms that can handle such a feature. :kickcan:


Are you using all the existing fields in the calendar? I needed to add a new field but instead of doing that, I took a field I didn't need and re-named it. Works a treat and was easy as pie. Course, this does only work if you have got a spare field to re-name.

I.E. My 'address line 1' is now 'flight number' .

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