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Hiding Email address

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Registered: 09/23/06
Posts: 5
Is there a plugin that will make the email address not appear when some wants to email a member? Keep the email internal to the site. That way members can feel safe that their personal emails are protected.

Island Rokman

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Geeklog doesn't expose email addresses. When you email someone, it automatically fills in your own email address - because that's what's needed to send an email. But you'll never see the other person's email address, unless they chose to respond.

bye, Dirk

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I believe he meant the sender's own e-mail address. That is, just because Rokman wants to e-mail Dirk, doesn't mean he wants Dirk to know Rokman's own e-mail address. Rokman trusts the site's server (from which, if permitted by config.php, he could delete himself at any given time or change his address) but not human users.

So basically Rokman wants the trust worthy site to be used as a middleman between the sender and the recepient. Kind of like a ticketing system that either uses a temporary internal server e-mail address to reply (the site would then forward the reply to the real original sender) or contains a link only through which the recepient can send a reply.

If it's any consolation, Rokman, even without all of that you can already hide at least the admin's e-mail address (the one in config.php which the site uses to send messages itself).
Just use my submitted patch that divides the admin's address into a public address (for admin notifications) and a dummy address (for user notifications).

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Registered: 09/23/06
Posts: 5
Well now LWC. That put the thought right where it needed to be put. Thing is how do I create a middle man that filters replies or email messages through that middle man server. This is to protect the sender or receiver from getting harassing emails if they choose not to reply. Is it possible to set it up within current site or would it have to be going to another server? this could be a privacy issue as well. How much band width does it take up? I guess the only other thing is to allow each member their own email address @loveofseduction.ca. Cheers Island Rokman

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I think email is the wrong medium for what you have in mind. How about a messenger plugin?

bye, Dirk

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