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FCKeditor GL 1.4.1 brand new site errors

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I have two sites on the same server. One uses the typical GL setup, config above root etc. and has no problems. The other has config in a directory below the root. This second is giving me headaches.

I just set this site up, fresh, stock install of gl 1.4.1. Fckeditor, inculding any text box, doesn't show up at all in IE6, and I get an error;

Error: Can't execute code from a freed script

It varies from staticpages to stories to comments, but it's the same can't execute freed script

In Firefox I get the intro toolbar, but nothing else. My question is does this have anything to do with the way the site is set up? The paths are all correct in config and lib-common; everything else works fine. Advanced editor is set to true in config... Could it just be that the site hasn't propogated yet? I just set up the DNS yesterday...

Either way, I'm stumped and frustrated. :banghead: I've reloaded GL 1.4.1 three times... no change in fckeditor... can someone help me think this through?

the intro toolbar shows up shows up in Firefox 1.5, and

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I replaced the FCKeditor that came with GL 1.4.1 with the one from geeklog-1.4.0sr5-1 and the "can't execute freed code" error dissapeared and now FCKeditor works fine... I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this error?

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Quote by: scroff

I have two sites on the same server. One uses the typical GL setup, config above root etc. and has no problems. The other has config in a directory below the root.

Me too. Works fine. :kickcan:

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I'm happy for you... Rolling Eyes

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Well, at least it answers the question you asked:
Quote by: scroff

My question is does this have anything to do with the way the site is set up?

You didn`t give much information I suppose you are using cpanel and a subdomain? The error will be somewhere else but not in the way the site is set up.

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You're right... my apologies. :doh:

It's not a subdomain, it's www.mmbenefits.info on an Unix server, and I spoke too soon, the config is not below the root, just in a seperate folder. I don't have cpanel. You're right that it's not in the setup, it works at my job, so it's something to do with how my computer handles javascript (AMD on winXP 2nd)... and from there I am lost. After doing a search on the error I don't think there is any one thing that causes it. So until I figure it out I reverted to the GL 1.4.0 version of FCKeditor and it works fine. My plan is to systematically replace every file until I find the one that causes the error. :pray: When I find it I'l post it here. In the meantime, I was curious if anyone else experienced this.

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Sorry that I can`t help more. You may also look at this:

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Ok, this is where I get to feel really really stupid....

it was my firewall...

Thanks for your replies....

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