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Registered: 10/17/06
Posts: 3
Greetings, while loading the Spam-X plugin I noticed that support for the blacklist.txt file is no more. I run a local Spamassassin filter which is kept up todate with RulesDuJour and Stearns SA-blacklist (very extensive, found on I was wondering if there was any way for Geeklog to make use of the Spamassassin utility (as with Postfix and Procmailrc)?

I guess the hard way would be to cut and paste from the SAblacklist to the Spam-X blacklist.txt file (or develope a script of sorts). I am not sure if Spam-X can handle that many lines to data (~10,000 spammer domains)?

Regards, JohnF

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Registered: 01/12/02
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The question is whether using SpamAssassin and other tools and blacklist which were made for email spam would really help with web spam. The two are quite different beasts with their own rules and characteristics.

Theoretically, it should be possible to write Spam-X modules to make use of those blacklists.

I assume you saw the post about the SLV module that will ship with Geeklog 1.4.1?

bye, Dirk