Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 09:13 pm EST

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calendar submissions


I am grappling with Geeklog...

about calendar,
1.Guest(no login)user input global event.
2.Admin approve.
3.show calendar.

geeklog1.4.0 is ok.
geeklog1.4.1b1 no good. no list submissions in step2.
1.4.1b1 be able to input is only CalenderAdmin.(Therefore skip step2)
Is it spec or my miss setting?

Pleade advice me.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Are you saying that events submitted by normal users are not listed on the submissions page (moderation.php)? I'm not aware of any problems there and it seems to work just fine here on geeklog.net.

Make sure you've really updated everything, including the database.

bye, Dirk


Dear Dirk,
events submitted by normal users are not listed on the submissions page (moderation.php)?

Yes, No List in step2(./admin/moderation.php)
calender admin can input and (but) show direct.

1.4.0 and 1.4.1b1 were clean installed respectively.
I will grappling more. anybody know same experience?


Dear Dirk,
add report. about1.4.1b1.
my config.php, enable 'Multi-language support'
$_CONF['language_files'] = array (
'en' => 'english_utf-8',
'de' => 'german_formal_utf-8',
'jp' => 'japanese_utf-8',
$_CONF['languages'] = array (
'en' => 'English',
'de' => 'Deutsch',
'jp' => 'Japanese',

It seems only Japanese is NG.

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Forum User
Registered: 11/02/06
Posts: 3
mved it!

$lang12[8] in language files
It doesn't move when this key is multibyte. I changed to syngle char,
$LANG12[8] => 'Submit'

is this bad behave ?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your last two posts are trying to tell me. Can you please try to rephrase them?

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 08/29/05
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I suspect he used a multibyte character set word for the submit button. When the button is pressed, the form action become the mb word but this probably does not compare correctly in the submit.php where it says:

if (($mode == $LANG12[8]) && !empty ($LANG12[8])) { // submit

I would suspect that the encoding of $mode may not match the utf-8 value in $LANG12[8] and that some kind of multibyte comparison is needed.

Or I could be way off base.

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Forum User
Registered: 11/02/06
Posts: 3
thanks for your support comment.
that is right.

I changed language file. (/language/japanese_utf-8.php)
$LANG12 = array(
8 => 'Submit',


I had the same problem! Thanks for the help (was also using another language and translated the "Submit" text on $LANG12:array8).

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Forum User
Registered: 11/02/06
Posts: 3
$LANG_CAL_1[45] : /plugins/calendar/language/YourLanguage_utf-8.php
$LANG12[8] : /language/YourLanguage_utf-8.php

Please set same message. I think more suitable way.
if nofile your language file in calendar pligin.
it must be set $LANG12[8] => 'Submit'.

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