Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, January 17 2025 @ 06:52 am EST

Geeklog Forums

New projects, developers welcome

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Registered: 07/24/04
Posts: 63
Location:Lewiston, Idaho
Firewind Productions is announcing development of a series of plugins and/or hacks to extend true end-user functionality to Geeklog (that is, allow people without any coding ability to fully manage and customize their own site). I'm in the process of negotiating with subcontractors and setting up our versioning system. When that is ready, I'll be opening up the code for the initial development branch to interested developers.

Ultimately, I'm planning on releasing a master suite of utilities under several plugins, which will be available on a per-site licensing basis for a reasonable price. Subcontractors who contribute substantially to development may be eligible for a profit share program.

1. Language Editor
Essentially, this will be an advanced text editor that will parse and safely and securely edit the master language arrays for Geeklog. Planned features include:
- Very basic rich text functions (bold, italic, underline, etc.)
- Catagorization of the array for ease of editing
- Integrated on-line help

2. Configuration Editor
I understand that this feature has been discussed a few times in the community (1,2), and there remain substantial security questions. However, I may have a few new ideas on how to change items in Geeklog's master config.php without giving full write access to the script residing under the directory. The goal is to create an easy-to-use, catagorized form-based editor which will allow editing of selected features from config.php without opening up sensitive information to any public script.

3. Userphoto Moderation
There remains a rather large feature gap in the userphoto feature of Geeklog: the ability to moderate images. We're looking at two possible ways to approach this idea:
- A master editor plugin that will simply display users who have uploaded userphotos with options to delete or change userphotos for each user, or
- A hack which uses the submissions API to create a moderation queue on the submissions page, allowing admins to approve or disprove images.

4. Other Projects
Several other projects also are in development related to these three. We'll be announcing those later when they near completion. Stay tuned to firewindproductions.com and this forum for details.
"Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe." ~ Gabriela Mistral -- Desolacíon

All times are EST. The time is now 06:52 am.

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