Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 20 2025 @ 04:49 am EST

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problem upgrading from 1.3.8 to 1.4.0sr5


I upgraded and during install there was a process, but I had backed everything up... so I decided to go back to 1.3.8
but when I did that, i get this error
error occured while attempting to install the plugin. See error.log for details.', 73 => 'An error occured while attempting to uninstall the plugin. See error.log for details.', 74 => 'The pingback has been successfully sent.', 75 => 'Trackbacks must be sent using a POST request.' ); ############################################################################### $LANG_ACCESS = array( 'access' => 'Access', 'ownerroot' => 'Owner/Root', 'group' => 'Group', 'readonly' => 'Read-Only', 'accessrights' => 'Access Rights', 'owner' => 'Owner', 'grantgrouplabel' => 'Grant Above Group Edit Rights', 'permmsg' => 'NOTE: members is all logged in members of the site and anonymous is all users browsing the site that aren't logged in.', 'securitygroups' => 'Security Groups', 'editrootmsg' => "Even though you are a User Administrator, you can't edit a root user without first being a root user yourself. You can edit all other users except root users. Please note that all attempts to illegally edit root users are logged. Please go back to the User Administration page.", 'securitygroupsmsg' => 'Select the checkboxes for the groups you want the user to belong to.', 'groupeditor' => 'Group Editor', 'description' => 'Description', 'name' => 'Name', 'rights' => 'Rights', 'missingfields' => 'Missing Fields', 'missingfieldsmsg' => 'You must supply the name and a description for a group', 'groupmanager' => 'Group Manager', 'newgroupmsg' => 'To modify or delete a group, click on that group's edit icon below. To create a new group, click on "Create New" above. Please note that core groups cannot be deleted because they are used by the system.', 'groupname' => 'Group Name', 'coregroup' => 'Core Group', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'corerightsdescr' => "This group is a core {$_CONF['site_name']} Group. Therefore the rights for this group cannot be edited. Below is a read-only list of the rights this group has access to.", 'groupmsg' => 'Security Groups on this site are hierarchical. By adding this group to any of the groups below you will giving this group the same rights that those groups have. Where possible it is encouraged you use the groups below to give rights to a group. If you need this group to have custom rights then you can select the rights to various site features in the section below called 'Rights'. To add this group to any of the ones below simply check the box next to the group(s) that you want.', 'coregroupmsg' => "This group is a core {$_CONF['site_name']} Group. Therefore the groups that this groups belongs to cannot be edited. Below is a read-only list of the groups this group belongs to.", 'rightsdescr' => 'A groups access to a certain right below can be given directly to the group OR to a different

and a lot more text like a page or two worth, but then my site loads fine below all this text and the database is loaded properly. I can see my old content and all.
I think its the plugins but am not sure how to fix this.
I have stats plugin and forum plugin, and gallary plugin for 1.3.8.
any advice?


when i import the db file into phpmyadmin i get the following error

There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem

ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 277
STR: </

# Dumping data for table `gl_userstats`

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<base href="s94837881.onlinehome.us/phpMyAdmin/" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/phpmyadmin.css.php?lang=en-iso-8859-1&js_frame=right" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// Updates the title of the frameset if possible (ns4 does not allow this)
if (typeof(parent.document) != 'undefined' && typeof(parent.document) != 'unknown'
&& typeof(parent.document.title) == 'string'Wink {
parent.document.title = 'db95095880.gl_userstats running on db30.perfora.net - phpMyAdmin 2.5.3';

SQL query:

# # Dumping data for table `gl_userstats` #

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