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Confuse novice needs help

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Registered: 07/24/06
Posts: 2
Hello everyone,

I am a novice and not a programmer or web designer. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I was able to use some the instructions on the forum and faq to customize my site, but I could not figure out a few things.

I have installed geeklog (provided by godaddy.com) and I need help with the following:

1-How do I get the index.php page or the whole geeklog to appear when someone type www.mydomain.com?
I moved the public_html/index.php to the root directory, but I received a blank page. I am sure it's very easy but, I can't figure it out. Should I move everyhting that's in the "professional" folder to my root directory or everything that's in "public_html"?

2-Affiliates and Google Ads Blocks
I created a "sponsors" right block and I posted the links provided by the sponsors, but nothing appeared. Should I remove the javascript words for the ads to appear? I tried to follow instructions listed on the forum, but it's was too complicated.

3-Topic Block: I uploaded an image for news story; however, the mouse over says "Geeklog"
Is there a way to change the "alt" name from Greeklog to my site name? I visited the following files under the professional folder "advanced_editor_header.thtml, featuredstorybodytext.thtml, featuredstorytext.thtml, storybodytext.thtml, storytext.thtml, topicoption.thtml" to make the changes, but I was unsuccessful.

4-Story Editor: I tried to created a story by I can't upload images.
The following error message appeared "Attached Images Not Used - The following errors occurred while trying to save your story. Please correct these errors before saving; image #1, welcome_1.gif, was not used. You must include this image in the intro or body before you can save your changes". So, I included the images into the body of the story, but I still received the same error.

5-Static Pages Errors
I created several static pages, but when I clicked on them I received the following error messages "URL Class: number of names passed to setArgNames must be equal or greater than number of arguments found in URL".

6-Footer: How do I insert one table above "copyright info" for menus?. There are two columns and/or two blocks


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
1) You can't move single flles around and expect that it works. Move the index.php back to where it was and instead try to change your domain settings such that they point to that directory. There should be people here who are familiar with GoDaddy's admin interface (I'm not) who could tell you how that's done.

Our installation instructions (which you didn't see due to the auto install) have a section on that public_html directory.

2) No idea, sorry.

3) You can rename topics, but only their name (what's visible in the mouseover), but not the id (which becomes part of the URL). So delete the Geeklog topic and create a new one.

Also see About the Topics block

4) For every uploaded image, there has to be an image tag in the story: [image1] for the first image, [image2] for the second, etc.

5) Sounds like you have url rewriting enabled but your server does not support it. Did you change anything in your config.php yet or is this how GoDaddy configured it?

6) Geeklog's theme files are plain HTML + plus some {variables} for the content. If you know HTML, it should be easy to change (in the theme's footer.thtml template file).

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/24/06
Posts: 2
Thanks Dirk,

I have read the different installation instructions and most suggested moving/copying all the files from "public_html" to the root directory or to ("htdocs" and "www" are other popular names). I don't see any of these types when I logon to FileZilla. These are the following files/folders that are available "_private, _vti_bin, ftp.mcbss.com, etc."

My web host installed geeklog into " mcbss.com/geeklog", and when I need to access I have type " mcbss.com/geeklog/public_html".

I copied all the files from "mcbss.com/geeklog/public_html" to "mcbss.com/", deleted the "public_html" in mcbss.com/geeklog folder, and I received the following error
"Template Error: set_root: /home/content/m/c/2/mc2008/html/geeklog/public_html/layout/professional is not a directory.

Should I create a folder "mcbss.com/public_html"? and moved all files (admin, docs, index.php) in there?

I usually moved the files to my pc and upload them back to the directory using FileZilla. Can you also recommend a software that makes moving the files easier. I can't copy or paste from the ftp software.

Reinstalling it myself won't work because I don't have access to the
"ssh access or tarball on the designated server "

I know these questions are silly, but I really can't figure it out. Banging your head

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sounds like in your case the webroot is called "mcbss.com". So if you simply replace "public_html" with "mcbss.com", does that make more sense?

Once you move files around, you will have to adjust your paths, so that Geeklog knows where it's living and where its files are. Specifically, you need to fix

$_CONF['path'] to point to the directory where the config.php is and
$_CONF['path_html'] to point to the directory where the lib-common.php is

You will also have to adjust the path in lib-common.php that points back to the config.php and $_CONF['site_url'] to the new URL of your site (minus the "geeklog/public_html" now).

Suggested reading:
Alternative installation instructions
Installing Geeklog entirely within the web root

Oh, and you don't need ssh access to do all that - ftp is just fine.

bye, Dirk

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