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Unable to Fork


I looked thru the forum posts and reviewed all the suggestions for "Unable to Fork" issues but I cannot get my GL DB to backup. I am currently using WIN2003, IIS, mySQL 5.0.22 & PHP 5.0 and everything works fine except this backup procedure. This is the error I get:

Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [C:/mysql/mysqldump.exe -hlocalhost -uroot -p -Q geeklog > "D:/Websites/geeklog/backups/geeklog_db_backup_2006_07_21_10_13_19.sql"] in D:/Websites/Sitea.com/admin/database.php on line 166

My mysqldump.exe resides in the correct folder above which I made. That folder has Read/Write & Execute permissions for the IUSR_WEBUSER. The backup folder for GL also has these same permissions.

The code in the config.php looks as follows:

// full path to mysqldump executable (Windows users: add ".exe"!)
$_DB_mysqldump_path = 'C:/mysql/mysqldump.exe';

Anyone have any suggestions?


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Registered: 07/16/02
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Try copy windows/system32cmd.exe to your PHP directory (default is c:/php). Also make sure it has execute permissions for the IIS user. For testing - set execute perms for group everyone.
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Registered: 06/12/05
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Is that a Windows System file? Because to be honest with you I have never heard of that file nor is there one on my server. I made sure all hidden and system files were visible and a search on system32cmd.exe results in nothing.

Perhaps you meant a different file name or I am very stupid right now?

Thanks for your help.


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Registered: 07/16/02
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I missed a directory separator. It should have been windows/system32/cmd.exe

The file cmd.exe is actually the windows program you run to get a DOS window or to run a DOS batch file.
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That didn't seem to work. I restarted IIS as well to make sure and I still receive the same error.

Any other tricks up your sleeve?

Thanks for your persistence..I hate bothering you guys.


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That did not work. I DC'd permissions on cmd.exe and IUSR_NAME has write access to it. I also made sure that Backups/ also has the same access which is does. The mysqldump.exe also has the same access. CMD.exe is in the PHP folder as well. I also tried to give the IUSR write permission to the PHP folder and that did not work either. The TEMP folder also has the same writes.

Am I missing one more folder or file which needs write permission for the IUSR user?

Any help to solve this is VERY appreciated...its causing problems with IIS...

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Registered: 01/11/06
Posts: 14
Grant permissions to the Internet Guest Account - read and execute, as Blaine suggested.

Also, Grant modify permissions to the same user for /pathtogeeklog/backups

That works for me and I've done this alot!

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