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Okay, dumb question

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When I click on the GL version test, GL tells me my version (1.4.0sr2) is out of date and possibly insecure, and that I should update to 1.4.0sr4 ASAP.

But assuming my setup is correct (with non-public files out of the web directory) and FCK has been disabled/removed, what is the big dif between sr2 and sr4?

I notice that sr4 is labeled for new installs and upgrades from pre-1.4 versions.

So is there a good reason for installing sr4 if sr2 is running well and secured as per Dirk's recommendations?

A dumb question, I know. But if there's something I'm missing in sr2, I definitely want to take advantage of it.

Slight Correction: I just realizied that I installed the sr3 update without making note of it in my config.php file. So and references to sr2 in the above post should be sr3.

But the same dumb question remains - if sr3 is set up correctkly and running well, is there a need to go to sr4?

- D

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Okay, I guess this is a case that the versionchecker script wasn't designed for ...

Anyway, if you're still on 1.4.0sr2, you should at least install the upgrade to 1.4.0sr3. Afterwards, you could change the version number to 1.4.0sr4.

bye, Dirk

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Yep, sr3 is in place, Version number has been edited.

Thank you, dirk.

- D

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