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A couple of confusing things

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Registered: 06/16/06
Posts: 26
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I'll number these, some are questions, some are comments.

1. I searched for the answers to these questions but can't seem to find them.

2. I use Godaddy for a host. One of their value added apps is Geeklog. They actually install it for you. The admin name and password you supply to them during install do not work to log into the admin panel (or what I assume will be the admin panel once I get there)

3. Looking at the config.php, I see an entry for a admin user with a md5 hash but I have no idea what the password is. I tried "password" but thats not it. The doc says "Read the first story on your Geeklog site to learn how to log in as the administrator. Please remember to change the default passwords on all pre-configured accounts right away." Unfortunately, the first story only says "Welcome and let me be the first to congratulate you on installing GeekLog. Please take the time to read everything in the docs directory. Geeklog now has enhanced, user-based security. You should thoroughly understand how these work before you run a production Geeklog Site."

I did run through clearing cookies and all of that. The admin does receive email and can add users, just not log in with an admin pwd. the admin did not receive an email when GL was installed.

4. Most of the articles in the wiki are throwing me an error "Login required to edit" so I can't view the information there.

5. I am intending on heavily editing the professional theme to look more like the site that it is attached to. One thing I want to do is modify the login to exclude new users being able to create an account. It looks like a simple edit of loginform.thtml and delete the lang_signup variable? I assume that the admin can create an account for someone in the admin panel?

6. In looking at the instructions for creating themes, the list of .thtml files has some files that are not in the default professional theme. Will this be a problem for me when I modify the files that are there?

7. Some of the files in the list just contain a nonbreaking space. Will Geeklog add markup to these?

8. By you using the word "block", is that a reference to block element, as in div?

9. I registered for the forum and was sent a email with the subject " Geeklog - New Private Message Notifiction" (sp)

Well I think that is everything, so far this looks really nice.

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First of all - I have no idea how GoDaddy install Geeklog for you, so I don't really know if they change the password or what else they do. If you search the forums, you'll see that several people had problems getting Geeklog to work there - although I'm not sure if that was with a manual or GoDaddy's autoinstall.

For the record: The default login is username "Admin" and password "password". That first story on the site you quoted actually goes on to tell you just that.

4. There's no "hidden" information on the Wiki - when you get a login prompt, it means that that page doesn't exist (only registered users can create and edit pages).

Start with our FAQ, specifically I can't log in..

5. To prevent new users from signing up, there's a simple configuration option in your config.php that will hide the signup option.

6. Which files do you think are missing from the Professional theme?

7. Not sure what you mean. An "nbsp" entity is just that - it has no special meaning for Geeklog.

8. A block is what you see in the left and right columns. "Resources" is a block, "Sections" (actually called Topics in a default install) is a block, etc. Those can be administered from Geeklog's admin panel.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/16/06
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"For the record: The default login is username "Admin" and password "password". That first story on the site you quoted actually goes on to tell you just that."

Godaddy must chop that part out. What I quoted is all the text there is. If the username and pwd in config.php is in fact the admins, it is not even close to what I put in originally, it's not admin either. It's a mixture of letters and numbers. Interesting. I'll call them to see.

5. I saw the signup option in config.php, but the way it's worded, I assumed that it blocked ALL signups, including admins.

6. The files that are listed on the "Create a theme" page but not on the server are storybody.thtml, featuredstorybody.thtml and archivestorybody.thtml.

7. I thought it was odd that an entire document would only contain a nonbreaking space. That's why I was wondering if the pages were dynamic in any way.

8. Sounds like block=module then.

Thank You for taking the time to answer.


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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by ajohnson: 6. The files that are listed on the "Create a theme" page but not on the server are storybody.thtml, featuredstorybody.thtml and archivestorybody.thtml.

7. I thought it was odd that an entire document would only contain a nonbreaking space. That's why I was wondering if the pages were dynamic in any way.

Those files are there, at least in the official tarballs. But they do only contain a nonebreaking space.

Traditionally, the story templates consist of two files, with one including the other. One theme (can't remember which one) then managed to squeeze everything in one file and the other only contains the nbsp so it's not empty. I think nowadays pretty much every theme uses only the one file. The other is still required, though, as Geeklog is still trying to load it. So I'm surprised when you say it's not there ...

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/16/06
Posts: 26
I did get into the admin control panel finally. I'm really starting to get into this. You guys did a real impressive job here. Thank You.

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Registered: 06/29/06
Posts: 2
Hey there! I have the same kinds of issues with Godaddy. I'm contemplating taking my site offline from there and moving it back home for a while to my personal server.

I have issues with posting comments and signing up, etc. Submissions don't work half the time, comments are finiky...what the heck..getting tired of godaddy's system.

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Registered: 06/16/06
Posts: 26
GoDaddy does have their own ideas on how Geeklog should be done. GL will install sucessfully and run just fine however. You might have to uninstall and reinstall if GoDaddys install was bad. You also have the option of installing GL yourself, you have 25 MySQL databases to use, you can use one of them. ( I am assuming you installed GL from GoDaddys value added menu and are using a shared hosting plan on a Linux/Apache server )

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