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Registered: 07/25/05
Posts: 13
Hey all,

I am having problems with one of my geeklog sites. It seems tables get corrupted and then cause SQL errors that cause the site to not display.

I log onto the CPanel and do a MySQL check and sure enough, certain tables are corrupt. The one I noticed today is the user session table, but there were others.

I ran the repair table function and the tables fixed up and I was able to access the site again.

Now a few things. How does the session table get cleaned up? I see when I log on a session w/a UID of 2 appears, prior to my logging on I see a UID of 1 (yeap, I saw 1 is anonymous and 2 is the first registerd user which in this case is moi). However, I have three session records that seem to exist and the owning users (according the user report in Geeklog) have not been on in a couple of months.

I see 1 records come and go which I assume to be from bots and the like (the site does not yet get a lot of visitors).

I have had this table corruption happen twice in two days. I have searched through my error logs and other logs I can access (geeklog logs, the httpd error_log and a CPAnel visitor log), but I can not determine exactly when things went wrong or what visitors may have brought on the errors.

Yes, I know I am short on specifics and long on generalities. No need to flame me, I will from this point on keep more detailed records of my observations.

Any ideas?
BTW the shortness & pudginess in my pic is exagerated by scaling!

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Can you see if MySQL was restarted? I've seen corrupted tables in case of a restart on occasion, especially with low-memory conditions (out of disk space or swap space).

bye, Dirk