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Invalid XML response from connection

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Registered: 01/29/05
Posts: 15
Location:Washington State
Trying to upload photos into my static pages, I get this response.

Invalid XML response from connection.

Also have these problems

The resources box only shows Image in the dropdown, not the other media types.

Can't create a directory.

Can't browse any of the folders.

When I browse my computer to upload a photo - I get this message, but nothing happens.
Upload a new file in this folder (Upload in progress, please wait... 0%)

I saw another thread in the forum about this, but no final answer. Is there a fix for this?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The Static Pages plugin doesn't support image uploads, so I'm wondering what you're actually talking about ...

bye, Dirk


The fckeditor is installed and when I go to add a static page, the editing controls are all there, including the picture editing icon.

The text controls work, I was just assuming all the controls were supposed to work. When I click the picture editing icon I get the Image Properties dialogue box, and if I put in a URl to a picture it adds the picture. It just seemed like the rest of the dialogue box would function.

Even if the upload isn't supported, does that mean you can't also browse the server for images already in the directories? The browse server button appears to go to the Image directory, but nothing is there, and there is an image upload field, but I guess you are saying this isn't supposed to work?

There are the Image Info, Link and Advanced tabs in the dialogue box.

Does anything in the Image Properties dialoge box work other than the picture URL?


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Embarassed Oh, right, I completely forgot about FCKeditor. But I'm not using it myself, so I can't really help ...

bye, Dirk


Thanks Dirk, I hope someone else might know what's happening.

I checked the fckeditor in the story admin, and when you try to add a link, and browse you can see folders in the resource directory, but none of the files in those directories are visible. So the fckeditor isn't working correctly.

I know somebody had this problem because there was a post regarding it, but nobody explained the the solution.

Anybody know the answer?

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