
Geeklog 1.4.0sr1 using Smooth Blue theme. I _know_ this is a theme issue, but want to see if there is a work around.

When no comments have yet been posted for a story, the "0 Comments" and "Post a Comment" links are both there. Once someone has posted a comment, story only displays "1 Comment". Users only have the ability to reply to that one comment, not create a new one.

When I switch to Profesisonal theme, both "1 Comment" and "Post a Comment" are displayed. Problem can be duplicated using

Is there a file I can edit to duplicate the functionality in Smooth Blue? Or - is there a theme that works in 1.4 besides Professional that handle this problem?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
It's not an "issue" with the theme, it's a design decision.

Check the story template files. {post_comment_link} is the variable you're looking for.

bye, Dirk


Ok, "issue" was the wrong word. But thanks, that got me in the right direction. I'm posting my solution so others may benefit.

In the {geeklog}public_html layout Smooth Blue folder, I edited storybodytext.thtml to be:

Text Formatted Code
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td align="center">{edit_link} {page_selector}<br>
                                     {readmore_link} {post_comment_link}<br>
                                     {start_comments_anchortag}{comments_with_count}{end_comments_anchortag} {start_trackbacks_anchortag}{trackbacks_with_count}{end_trackbacks_anchortag}


Basically, just copied and pasted from the professional theme's storytext.thtml. Thanks again Dirk for the quick reply.

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Site Admin
Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1468
Thanks for the tip, have you been able to get the FCKEditor to work with your theme?
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.