Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 10 2025 @ 04:22 am EST

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Layout options


Ok, so i understand how that the *.thtml files are called to make the layout of a particular page, ie the header and footer and the featuredstory etc. My question is:

Which file is responsible for the order in which these files are called?

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Well, the header is always at the top Wink

Maybe it would be clearer what you're asking if you would explain what you're trying to do.

bye, Dirk



so i want the layout at the moment on my geeklog site is:

Rhodes’ very own league of extraordinary gentlemen
Friday, March 17 2006 @ 08:24 AM GMT+2
Contributed by: Activate
Views: 101
Secret drinking clubs have been a Rhodes tradition for many years. Now they’re in trouble. Candace Whitehead finds out more…

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An inside look at Grahamstown's His People Christian Church
Friday, March 17 2006 @ 01:46 PM GMT+2
Contributed by: Activate
Views: 225
by Ines Schumacher

Live music, a large crowd, young people jumping up and down with their hands in the air, some laughing and singing, others crying and rocking back and forth where they are sitting. People are either falling to their knees, or swaying gently with their eyes closed.

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Most Recent Post: 03/17 03:47PM by Anonymous

i want to change it so that i have the stories next to each other instead. so that they appear as two tables next to each other instead of a new line?

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So it will look like a 4 column design with 2 strories nexe to each other in the middle? I`d also like to know that trick!

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would be difficult to do and remain consistent unless your page has a fixed width.

but try encapsulating your storytext in a fixed width div just less than half of your article space (don't forget to consider paddings and margins) and adding a css rule to that div causing it to float left. but now you run into a height problem unless you can clear the left float every two articles, which you cannot do without modifying index.php.

Index.php would have to count every second article and load the rule to clear (hardcoded or via .thtml). the same can be accomplished with the tables using cells instead of floating divs. you'd still have to modify index.php however.

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