Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, January 23 2025 @ 05:26 am EST

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Are you using Adsense on your site?


Are you using Google Adsense on your site?

If not, then perhaps you should. Not only can it earn you a moderate amount of money but it it is also a good way to fill up your home-page's real estate.

There are, however, a few things you should know before you just go ahead and plaster it inside a block (down the right-hand side as many do) or placing it inside a banner.

We as web users have become accustomed to "subliminally ignore" banner ads - and for good reason, as most of these are seen as just plain old in your face advertisements.

There are a couple of tips then that you should probably know about:

1. Place "Link Ads" under your main header and choose a background and text colour that blends in with your site.
2. Mix Google Adsense ads throughout your content - this makes them flow with the text and is far less intrusive.
3. The best Google Ad size is actually the 336 x 280. Take a look at these stats for the average click-through-rate for the different sizes:

336 x 280 7.46%

300 x 250 5.58%

728 x 90 3.16%

120 x 240 2.99%

160 x 600 2.44%

120 x 600 1.33%

468 x 60 0.53%

As you can see, the ones we use the most (historically) get the fewest clicks.

Finally, if your pages allow it, use a 335 x 280 advert above your main content (or aligned to the left or right of it) as this is where the most Click-thoughs are made.

Take a look at some of these simple adsense optimized sites as an example:


As you can see, the adsense is mixed into the text and is far less in your face. If you take the same principle and apply them to your own sites then you can have an automatic income system set up on your site that you won't have to touch.

If you want to use adsense then you can sign up for it at:
http://adsense.google.com - and it's Free!

Hope this helps.

All times are EST. The time is now 05:26 am.

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