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IM plugin - possibilty ?


IM is now an integral part of many cms systems. Is there possibility of integrating
php121 messenger with GL


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Quote by Boren: IM is now an integral part of many cms systems. Is there possibility of integrating
php121 messenger with GL


Sure there is Smile in the meantime there is a Geeklog plugin called Chatterblock.
Geeklog Polish Support Team


Thanks Robin Smile
Chatterblock is completely different, its sort of a shoutbox app. I beleive,

php121 is a messenger like yahoo or msn messenger

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There are PM-functionality for geeklog.
A very simple you find in the downloads here, and the glMessenger who you find over at blaines site www.portalparts.com.
It cost a few bucks, but are totally worth it if you really need a messengerservice on your installation.

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Quote by Boren:Is there possibility of integrating
php121 messenger with GL

Looks like there is Smile
I successfully managed to integrate it with my GL site as this script is ready to be blended with an existing user database. There are instructions available on the site.
Thanks for mentioning this script Very Happy
Geeklog Polish Support Team


casper, IM is NOT pm, no Blaines plugin does not provide IM the way php does.

Robin, excitement mounts !!! On which site do we find the details ? Yours ?
What are the steps ? Any module / plugin ? And dont forget the 1.3.11 users also Smile

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Quote by Boren:Robin, excitement mounts !!! On which site do we find the details ? Yours ?
What are the steps ? Any module / plugin ? And dont forget the 1.3.11 users also Smile

Very Happy
There are no details at the moment and actually the docs included in the script cover basically everything.
You can test it on my site after registration, as this is for registered users only.
If needed I will write some short instruction.
As for 1.3.11 users: no worry it will work just fine Smile
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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How to integrate php121 with Geeklog in 10 easy steps:

1. Download and unpack the archive (see 1st post in this thread)

2. In your public_html create a dir called e.g. php121 and copy there the content of php121 dir from the archive.

3. Using my favorite phpMyAdmin go to your Geeklog DB, click on SQL and run the script php121.sql from sql dir.

4. Click on SQL again and run the script alter_existing_usertable.sql. You will have to change
Text Formatted Code
ALTER TABLE `gl_users`

Don't worry as this script only adds additional columns.

5. Move php121config.php somwhere safe, e.g. place where your config.php would be a good place and edit it,
change this
Text Formatted Code
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuname = "username";
$dbpass = "password";
$dbname = "dbname";
$prefix = "php121";
$siteurl = "http://www.yoursite.com/php121/";
$customtitle = "PHP121";
$webmaster = "support@yoursite.com";

and change the following lines according to the example below:

Text Formatted Code
$db_usertable = "gl_users";
$dbf_uid = "uid";
$dbf_uname = "username";
$dbf_upassword = "passwd";
$dbf_passwordtype = "md5";
$dbf_uemail = "email";
$dbf_user_chatting = "php121_user_chatting";

6. Go to gl_users in your DB and edit your (Admin) entry and change php121_level to 3.

7. Edit php121db.php and change
Text Formatted Code

8. Add this
Text Formatted Code
<script type="text/javascript">
var newwindow;
function poptastic(url){
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}

to header.thtml under your layout dir, within head tags.

9. Create a normal block and paste the following
Text Formatted Code
<a href="javascript:poptastic('http://www.yourdomain.com/php121/php121im.php');">Instant Messenger</a>

NOTE: Make the block invisible for Anonymous.

10. What was the last step Rolling Eyes aha enjoy Very Happy
Geeklog Polish Support Team


Yes, it works great on your site !
Waiting for instructions so that we can make it work on our site also Smile

Jerry Green

I have followed the above ibnstructions for php121 using latest version of Geeklog on www.buntingsociety.org.uk/society/home and I get the following message on first login to php121:
Online as: webmaster
[Options] [Logout] [Admin]

Current Chats:

Recent Chats:

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/buntingsoc/domains/buntingsociety.org.uk/public_html/php121/php121/php121imc.php on line 264

Who's Online: (0):

Does anyone know why I should get this error message?

Jerry Green

Very Happy I have found the problem the user chatting row in users is called php_userchatting instead of php121_userchatting. Changing this in the config table fixed the problem.

Jerry Green

I have PHP121 working on my Geeklog site but I want my geeklog login to also login to PHP121. There are instructions on how to do this on the PHP121 site but I can't get it to work.
Can anyone help me?

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I wasn't able to runit with the config file on another location than in the php121 dirctory.
I tried several positions and made the path, relative or absolute but I allways get the error "can't find config file"


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