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YAPM - Yet Another Private Messenger
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Quote by mugen: Hi Robin, nope not working
Yes I've noticed that later. After several tests I modified the block code and the problem on my site has gone.
Try this slightly modified code:
Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_getpm(){
global $_CONF, $_USER, $_NEWM, $_NOM, $new_pm, $_TABLES;
$popup = false; //comment out this line to stop popups!
$result = DB_query("SELECT * FROM " . $_TABLES['pm'] . " WHERE sentto='$uid' AND receiverdelete='' AND rd=''");
$new_pm = DB_numRows($result);
if($new_pm <= 0){
$_NOM = "";
return $_NOM;
if ($popup){
include($_CONF['path_html'] . "/pm/popupbasic.js");
//print $_CONF['site_url'];
echo "
<script language=\"javascript\">
chatAlert('" . $_CONF['site_url'] . "/pm/alert.php');
$_NEWM .= '<b><u><A href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/pm/index.php">You have ' .
$new_pm . ' new message' . $plural . '</a></u></b>';
return $_NEWM ;
Geeklog Polish Support Team
I'm trying to add more smilies to the PM send message page. I can get the javascript to place the smiley code into the message, but the smilies don't display when I'm reading the message. Is there a setting in Geeklog I need to change to activate new smilies?
Thanks, mugen
| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':chestslam:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/chestram2.gif" alt="Chest Slam" title="Chest Slam" border="0" ></a>
<td height="2"></td>
<a href="javascript:emoticon(':banghead:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/banghead.gif" alt="Head Banging" title="Head Banging" border="0" ></a>
| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':twocents:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/twocents.gif" alt="My 2 Cents" title="My 2 Cents" border="0" ></a>
| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':doh:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/doh.gif" alt="Doh!" title="Doh!" border="0" ></a>
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Thanks, mugen
Text Formatted Code
<a href="javascript:emoticon(':shakehands:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/shakehands.gif" alt="Hand Shake" title="Hand Shake" border="0" ></a>| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':chestslam:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/chestram2.gif" alt="Chest Slam" title="Chest Slam" border="0" ></a>
<td height="2"></td>
<a href="javascript:emoticon(':banghead:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/banghead.gif" alt="Head Banging" title="Head Banging" border="0" ></a>
| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':twocents:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/twocents.gif" alt="My 2 Cents" title="My 2 Cents" border="0" ></a>
| <a href="javascript:emoticon(':doh:')"><img align=absmiddle src="{layout_dir}images/smilies/doh.gif" alt="Doh!" title="Doh!" border="0" ></a>
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
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Registered: 02/22/06
Posts: 53
Quote by Robin:
You have to update functions.inc also.
Quote by mugen:I can get the javascript to place the smiley code into the message, but the smilies don't display when I'm reading the message.
You have to update functions.inc also.
Sensei! Thank You!
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Reporting back some of my findings:
There seems to be a limit to how much info you can send in a PM. I noticed that if you send a lot of smilies for example, those at the end don't appear when you read the message. Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
Thanks! mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
There seems to be a limit to how much info you can send in a PM. I noticed that if you send a lot of smilies for example, those at the end don't appear when you read the message. Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
Thanks! mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
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Registered: 02/22/06
Posts: 53
Quote by mugen: Reporting back some of my findings:
There seems to be a limit to how much info you can send in a PM. I noticed that if you send a lot of smilies for example, those at the end don't appear when you read the message. Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
Thanks! mugen
There seems to be a limit to how much info you can send in a PM. I noticed that if you send a lot of smilies for example, those at the end don't appear when you read the message. Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
Thanks! mugen
I've removed this plugin from the cedko.com site. Messages keep getting cut-off for some reason. This is not a working plugin at this time, needs further testing.
Cheers, mugen
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
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Registered: 02/15/02
Posts: 725
Quote by mugen: Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
It's in DB actually (255 chars)
Quote by mugen:This is not a working plugin at this time, needs further testing.
Well it is working, however doesn't meet your expectations Yes it needs a lot of testing.
Geeklog Polish Support Team
Status: offline
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Registered: 02/22/06
Posts: 53
Quote by Robin:
It's in DB actually (255 chars)
Well it is working, however doesn't meet your expectations Yes it needs a lot of testing.
Quote by mugen: Is there a text limit setting in the code or database which can be changed to allow for longer messages?
It's in DB actually (255 chars)
Quote by mugen:This is not a working plugin at this time, needs further testing.
Well it is working, however doesn't meet your expectations Yes it needs a lot of testing.
Let me rephrase, this is not a stable plugin at this time. It needs extensive testing/debugging/proper documentation before being released to the public.
cedko.com -- Cartoonin' The World :)
Quote by mugen: this is not a stable plugin at this time.
If you're still interested in this kind of functionality there is I believe more stable and well tested plugin, glMessenger by Blaine, available at his site portalparts.com.
In the meantime I'd better get to work on this one
Geeklog Polish Support Team
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