David Recordon

Really cool to see you guys embracing remote authentication so that users don't need to create another account to comment on a Geeklog. Also excited that you decided to include LiveJournal.com as one of the services you support out of the box. I would however like to point you to OpenID.

OpenID is a very simple single sign-on system designed for applications such as this. Instead of requiring a user to enter their LiveJournal username and password to authenticate, OpenID allows them to enter their blog url on LiveJournal to identify themselves. The basic flow is that the user would enter their URL, ie http://daveman692.livejournal.com, Geeklog would ask LiveJournal if the remote user owns that URL, LiveJournal says yes or no depending on if I'm logged in as the user daveman692, and then Geeklog would create an account for this new account. In turn, this removes the need for a remote user to give out the password of their LiveJournal or Blogger account.

Please feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions.

Six Apart, Ltd.

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I implemented RA into geeklog before OpenID was finalised and 'released'. I do plan to add OpenID support into geeklog when i get a chance (if no-one beats me to it...), including allowing Geeklog to be an OpenID source for users with an account there.

I'm not quite sure yet how to implement OpenID into the authentication framework/architecture into geeklog, nor have I had a chance to fully look into exactly what is involved in implementing it.

But I'll get there when I've knocked a few more urgent things off my "to-do for geeklog" list.

Mike (eyeh8u on LJ)