Jonathan Watt.

I recently installed Geeklog to manage my churches web page. Everything works great. I picked a nice theme to copy and modify. Great. However, I've noticed that the background for all the static pages isn't invisible, as it is for all the other pages (i.e. stories).
Go to and check out the difference between "Worship / Information" and "Worship / Elder's Schedule"
I'm not able to find where to change the css tags to make the difference.
Thanks for your help.

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I would start with your blockheader.thtml as the background color seems to be defined inline and, afaik, staticpages make use of the blockheader/footer.thtml files when it is wrapped in a block.

alternatively, you could uncheck "wrap staticpage in a block" from within your staticpage editor and that should also solve your problem.

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Quote by machinari: afaik, staticpages make use of the blockheader/footer.thtml files when it is wrapped in a block.

You can make them use your own templates, though, with the usual method (using '_staticpages_block' as the block name).

bye, Dirk